Monday, April 6, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Mon, Apr 6, 2020, 2:06 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
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News from the Agudah:
  • Please see the important letter of chizuk from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America, below.

  • The Virtual Yarchei Kallah program continues today. At 3:30 PM EDT there will be a live Q and A session with Rabbi Asher Weiss, senior posek at Shaarei Tzedek Medical Center in Jerusalem. Rabbi Asher Weiss will be addressing doctors and medical professionals regarding corona halacha shailos. You can send in your questions to

  • Please see below for a joint pre-Pesach statement from Agudath Israel and other major Orthodox organizations regarding Pesach preparation and celebration and Chol HaMoed.
  • We're sorry to share the terrible news of niftarim who were part of the Agudah family. Please see below for a few words about each one.

  • We encourage you to look around your community and see who might be isolated and need help with getting food or other necessities for Pesach. Reach out to those living alone to offer help, or even just give a phone call to see how they're doing. They need to hear from you!

  • At this critical time, when lifesaving medical equipment is in short supply, Chayim Aruchim is urging every member of the Jewish community to sign a halachic medical directive to ensure that their religious rights are protected should they become critically ill, rachmana l'tzlan. Please see below for the full statement, and for a link to get a medical directive.

  • New York residents: Click here for our updated guidance regarding coronavirus aid - it has been updated to include information for small businesses and non-profits, in addition to individuals.

  • Reminder to all to say kiddush levanah before you run out of time!

  • Click here to access recordings of all the shiurim from the pre-Pesach teleconference series - these words of halachah, aggadah, and chizuk will help you usher in the Yom Tov the best way possible in these circumstances.

An Open Letter from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah
(Translation follows for those whose filters don't allow them to see the above graphic:)

An Open Letter to the Jewish People

(Free Translation:)

Beloved brothers and precious friends, may Hashem bless you all with long lives!

When the entire Jewish nation stands in an unprecedented situation of dread, when we are at a loss as to how to prepare for the upcoming holy Yom Tov of Pesach and to fulfill the requirement of "In each generation one must envision oneself as if he went out of Mitzrayim" at a time when the situation is so hard, confusing, and painful.

The state of our fellow Jews weighs heavily upon us. Whether it is those who have passed away, and their mourning families; those who are ill, in need of Heavenly mercy for their recovery; those who are enduring economic hardship in this global economic crisis; or our brothers and sisters who will be in quarantine, alone, this Pesach. We must all follow in the footsteps of Avrohom Avinu to do them kindness and to help them. We are exceedingly grateful to all who are giving of themselves to take care of the needs of their brethren – may Hashem's blessings rest upon them.

Beloved brothers – it is specifically at this time, specifically now, that we have the obligation to strengthen in unity, like one person with one heart, to declare with conviction to ourselves that we are going out now, like we do each generation, from the servitude of Mitzrayim to everlasting freedom. Freedom of the spirit – to learn Torah and perform mitzvos; freedom to honor Hashem and to do kindness to others – the entire purpose of our life; freedom to know and fear Hashem – the hallmark and hope of all creation. It is the service of the soul that needs to be strengthened now, to increase prayer, Torah learning, and charity, to have strong faith in the imminent salvation of Hashem, and to fulfill the message of the verse עם זו יצרתי לי תהלתי יספרו, "This nation I have created so that they may relate My praise"  (Yeshayah 43:21).

It is obvious that every person is obligated to obey the instructions of the government and medical professionals. Jewish families must be exceedingly careful not to err in issues which could endanger people, Heaven forbid.  

May the Holy One, Blessed be He, compassionately bestow upon us support, kindness, and mercy; may He end our distress and deliver us and all of the Jewish people from this plague; and may He listen with favor to the song of Hallel and the telling of the Haggadah, and accept our mitzvos with love; and may we merit to celebrate Pesach in Yerushalaim, where we will be able to thank Hashem for our redemption of body and soul, Amein.

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America

Rav Asher Weiss Medical Discussion
We are honored to be hosting a halachic Q&A for medical professionals and healthcare providors, with Rabbi Asher Weiss, Senior Posek at Sharei Tzedek Medical Center. To submit questions to be answered during the session, email   
Join via Zoom at this link, or call 646-558-8656, using log in number 876513892.  
Joint Pre-Pesach Statement
Below is a joint statement from major Orthodox groups to the Orthodox community regarding Pesach.
Nichum Aveilim
With great tzaar, we regret to inform you of the petirah of Horav Dovid Olewski זצ'ל, Rosh Yeshivas Gur in Boro Park. A towering figure in the Gerrer community in America, Rav Olewski was deeply involved in the leadership of Agudas Yisroel as a member of the Vaad Horabbonim of the organization. One of the most powerful speakers of his time, he was a frequent presenter at Agudah conventions and electrified the 90,000 participants in the 12th Siyum Hashas Daf Yomi at MetLife Stadium. 
With deep tzaar we regret to inform you that our chaver Rabbi Avrohom Nisan Perl, head of Agudas Yisroel's Torah Projects Division -- who lost his mother last week lo aleinu and is still sitting shiva for her until Monday morning -- has now lost his father Rabbi Yosef Perl as well. Rachmana litzlan. For nichum aveilim, Reb Avrohom Nisan may be reached at 845-406-3883. He will be getting up on Wednesday, erev Yom Tov.
With great tzaar, we regret to inform you of the petirah of Horav Meir Scheinberg זצ'ל.

Rav Scheinberg was the Mara D'asra of Kehilas Orach Chaim in Flatbush. Prior to that, he was Rav of Agudas Yisroel of Flatbush, and served as co-chairman of the Conference of Agudas Yisroel Shul Rabbonim, in which role he was deeply involved in numerous initiatives on behalf of the community. 
With great tzaar, we regret to inform you of the petirah of Rabbi Matis Blum, who was the founding editor of Torah L'Daas, a member of the Conference of Synagogue Rabbanim of Agudas Yisroel, and Rav of the Tz'irei Agudas Yisroel minyan in Queens, NY.
With great tzaar, we regret to inform you of the petirah of Mr. Barry Weiss, a member of the administration of Agudas Yisroel and the former director of the Agudah's Project OHR.
We regret to inform you of the petirah of Mrs. Millicent Silbermintz a'h, wife of the legendary Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America leader Rabbi Yehoshua ("Josh") Silbermintz z'l
Among the aveilim is our chaver Mr. Mark Silbermintz. He may be reached at 718-336-5580.
Chayim Aruchim's Statement on Medical Directives
With lifesaving medical equipment in short supply and pressures increasing to forego treating elderly patients, Chayim Aruchim is urging every member of the Jewish community to sign a halachic medical directive to ensure that their religious rights are protected should they become critically ill, r'l.
An unprecedented number of people have found themselves dealing with a gravely ill family member as the coronavirus continues to spread throughout the world. Shortages of ventilators have had doctors and medical institutions forced to prioritize their equipment, creating situations where life-or-death decisions need to be made, often by those who do not share our reverence for human life.  By completing a halachic medical directive, members of the Jewish community can ensure that their wishes are recorded for the medical community in a legally binding document which also designates one individual as a decision maker and specifies their chosen rabbinical authority.
Currently, Chayim Aruchim's website has downloadable halachic medical directives for residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Pennsylvania, Quebec, Texas, Virginia and Wisconsin. Chayim Aruchim president Rabbi Shmuel Lefkowitz said that over the last few weeks, multiple patients have received lifesaving treatments only because one of their relatives was able to produce a signed halachic medical directive.
"We are currently experiencing a terrible health crisis and every member of Klal Yisroel should sign a halachic living will and have it witnessed today," said Rabbi Lefkowitz. "We are fighting very powerful forces, especially today, and by having a medical directive in place a person can make their wishes clear and ensure that decisions being made for them are in keeping with their religious beliefs."
To download a halachic medical directive visit Chayim Aruchim online at
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