Monday, July 13, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel - 21 Tamuz 5780/July 13, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2020, 4:24 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel - 21 Tamuz 5780/July 13, 2020
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July 13, 2020 - 21 Tamuz 5780
News from the Agudah:

  • Rabbi Shlomo Soroka, Director of Government Affairs for Agudath Israel of Illinois, was recently a guest on the Steve Cortes Show where he discussed the recent Supreme Court ruling on the Espinoza case. He discussed what the ruling means and how this will affect religious private school students. You can listen to a recording of this segment from The Steve Cortes Show on AM 560 The Answer by clicking here.

  • Agudas Yisroel of Peterson Park in Chicago is continuing its series of shiurim by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst on halacha l'maaseh on sugyos from Daf Yomi. Tonight's shiur will be on Hilchos Muktzah: moving a Leichter tray, a sefer with blank papers in it, reading or moving a newspaper or fax that arrived on Shabbos, moving electrical appliances, etc. The shiur is at 8:00 pm EDT (7:00 pm CDT), and the call in number is (518) 425-1725.

  • Please note that the Pirchei Ten Minutes of Tehillim program is now at 6:30 pm every night and not at 6:00 pm. See below for more information on this program.

  • The Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos program continued today with a hachanah shiur. Please see below for tomorrow's schedule.

  • Lastly, watch your inboxes for the newest Ki Heim Chayeinu video which is coming out later today.
Ten Minutes of Tehillim
Ten minutes of Tehillim is a worldwide אמירת תהילים for kids of all ages at 6:30 pm each evening in their local time zone. One may say any perakim of Tehillim they wish or call the hotline at 6:30 pm EDT to follow live. Afterwards, your boys can call the hotline and choose option #9 to leave their name and phone number to enter into the daily raffle.
Iyunim B'Hilchos Shabbos
Tomorrow, July 14th, there will be a hachanah shiur at 11:00 am EDT, a shiur from Rabbi Meir Tzvi Spitzer at 12:00 pm EDT, and a chazarah shiur at 8:00 pm EDT.

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.

Please note that Rabbi Shlomo Cynamon's chazarah shiur will be via teleconference only. The call in number for the chazarah shiur is 605-468-8003, access code 443138#
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