Monday, July 13, 2020

Fwd: Sichos This Week + Live Shiurim

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Date: Mon, Jul 13, 2020, 8:02 AM
Subject: Sichos This Week + Live Shiurim
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

Heartfelt gratitude to Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald for their generosity in making Project Likkutei Sichos possible.
ב״ה וכבר הודגש כמה פעמים שבעניני תורה ומצותיה לא שייך "סיום" ואפילו הפסק ח"ו, וענין ה"סיום" בזה הוא התחלה ועלי' לשלב נעלה יותר בכל עניני תורה ומצוות, ובלשון הידוע מעלין בקודש. והנני שולח ברכתי לכל אחת ואחת מהן וכולן ביחד שתלכנה מחיל אל חיל…
It has been emphasized numerous times that in matters Torah and Mitzvos, there is no such thing as a "conclusion," or even a break, the whole concept of a Siyum is the beginning of an ascent to a higher level in all aspects of Torah and Mitzvos, as the expression goes, we increase in matters of holiness. I hereby send my blessings to each of you individually, and to all of you collectively, that you continue to go from strength to strength…

- To graduating students of Beis Rivka Montreal, 5734/1974
- לקוטי שיחות חלק יג, הוספות ע' 220
Dear Yaakov

What an incredible feeling, as you place your well-used chelek Yud-Gimmel on the shelf, skimming fondly through the now familiar pages, as these pages have lifted you onto a higher plane, inspired you and strengthened you, and connected you with your brothers and sisters, chassidim from around the world.

But, as the Rebbe would mention so often, a Siyum is just a stepping stone and a preparation to another level, with more intensity, with more excitement, and with more determination. Now is the time to resolve to learn more and to learn better.

Most importantly, share this with a friend, encourage them to join, tell them about the incredible experience, the feeling of Hiskashrus through Limud Toraso, and the Achdus which will certainly bring Moshiach!

May we be zoiche to see the Siyum of this Golus, and then we will have the ultimate experience of ותן חלקנו בתורתך, by infusing our learning with תורתו של משיח (See Masei Alef), Now Mammosh!

Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
JULY 12, 2020 •  כ' תמוז תש׳׳פ   

This is the last week of 3 Sichos (for the next while)!!!

We have a few consecutive weeks with 3 Sichos, Baruch hashem each Sicha is filled with Shiurim and resources to make it easier for you to keep up with all the weekly Sichos.

Chelek Yud Gimmel, Sicha Matos Beis Masei Alef, Masei Beis

Dedicated to Our Beloved Rebbe May we remain connected to you by learning your Sichos
And in honor of our children and grandchildren – The Cohens and the Sacks By Batya and Chaim Cohen
חלק יג • מטות • שיחה ב

שא את ראש מלקוח
Why is it so important to share all the minute details of the division of the loot from the battle of Midian and the taxes that were given from it. With a powerful lesson about how much Hashem loves our Miztvos and helps us fulfill them.

חלק יג • מסעי • שיחה א

והתנחלתם את הארץ בגורל
By understanding the 3 levels of relationship between a Jew and Torah, we will understand the different methods of transmission during Mattan Torah, and why a Goral was needed to divide Eretz Yisrael.

חלק יג • מסעי • שיחה ב
זאת הארץ אשר תפול לכם
A Rashi Sicha explaining how the words "The land which will "fall" to you," teach us that Moshe is talking about the Mitzvos that must be observed in Eretz Yisrael. A parallel lesson about the descent of the Neshama to this world, and the ascent that it reaches because of it with Hashem's help.

Monday 10:00AM
Mrs. Rivky Slonim
Likkutei Sichos Chelek 13, Masei 1

Monday 8:30PM
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Likkutei Sichos Chelek 13, Matos 2

Wednesday - 9:30PM
Rabbi Yehuda Leib Schapiro
Likkutei Sichos Chelek 13, Matos 2
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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