Sunday, June 16, 2024

Fw: [aneinu] Urgent prayer request, open now!

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Sent: Sun, Jun 16, 2024 at 6:25 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Urgent prayer request, open now!

  • L'zechus all of Klal Yisrael

    and for the shemirah of all the soldiers on duty, and the return of the rest of our hostages in peace and health

    May we be zoche to the Geulah Shelaima b'karov!


    Thank you to all our readers and supporters that have sponsored Chazak V'Amatz emails. It's your zechus that helps us continue.

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    Sivan, 5784

    Inspirational stories from this war, miracles, chessed, Shabbos stories... our spiritual growth...more!

    Compiled by Tamar Ansh



    I just found out, from a friend, that the young Jewish man in Iran, Arvin Netanel ben Sonia Tziona , 讗专讜讜讬谉 谞转谞讗诇 讘谉 住讜谞讬讛 爪讬讜谞讛

    that they plan to execute him on Monday morning – chas v'shalom!

    DAVEN! Stop whatever you're doing and click here to daven some Tehillim for him:

    So I did that as soon as I got that message from someone else – before I sat to write anything, I first clicked on the link and said the perek that came up for me.

    And, oh my goodness, You're not going to believe this but you know what perek I GOT???
    Perek 102, 拽"讘 !!

    You know what this perek talks about???

    It's about a prisoner, trapped, who is is crying out to Hashem in his distress!

    Look at these pesukim!

    I got perek 拽讘 , 102 – it really hit me. Look what some of the pesukim are!

    转ְּ驻ִ诇ָּ讛 诇ְ注ָ谞ִ讬 讻ִ讬 讬ַ注ֲ讟ֹ祝 讜ְ诇ִ驻ְ谞ֵ讬 讚' 讬ִ砖ְׁ驻ֹּ讱ְ 砖ִׂ讬讞讜ֹ "A prayer from a poor person who is swooning, and before Hashem he pours out his heart…"

    And then later in the same perek, Dovid Hamelech writes: 诇ִ砖ְׁ诪ֹ注ַ 讗ֶ谞ְ拽ַ转 讗ָ住ִ讬专 诇ְ驻ַ转ֵּ讞ַ 讘ְּ谞ֵ讬 转ְ诪讜ּ转ָ讛: "You will listen to the sighs of the captive…"

    I couldn't get over that hashgacha – of all the perakim to get, that's the one I personally got as soon as I clicked on.

    Another idea:

    If you're able to do the perek 13, a total of 13 times in a row, saying that it is for his zechus and yeshua, that's a good idea as well.

    Taking on a small kabbalah

    It's a very strong action whenever we're able to take on any kind of kabbalah or action or mitzvah, to strengthen ourselves in some area of spiritual endeavors. And we're a very large group here on this Chazak corner of the globe – if we all take on one small thing, that's THOUSANDS of good deeds for this young man's life. And then his yeshua will be to your credit – forever.

    We can do this. Every action we do carries so much weight "upstairs". It's very powerful. Or any kabbalah you can take for his zechus. Especially something in tznius.

    Here's some ideas I heard from others who did so, and also from some of you, our readers!:

    馃挱"I decided to cover my legs in the house as well so I put a pair of socks near my bed so I could put them on as soon as I get up"

    馃挱"I checked my nightwear and closed the necklines more appropriately"

    馃挱 "I had a hard time thinking of something I could do "forever" kind of thing…the idea of just doing something for 40 days straight was easier for me to swallow…I chose to make sure that my hair is also kept in a pony holder or something to contain it, and not to let my hair fly loose when I'm outside…I got the idea from another friend, thank you,"

    馃挱"We live in a big house and we don't have an intercom. Our windows face other neighbors and my kids, well, they don't always come when I call them…so often, I have to yell or raise my voice to call them for different things…this was hard for me but I decided that as a merit for this war, our soliders and captives, and that one in Iran, that I would not yell through the house. So every time I need one of my kids or need something, I have to walk over to them and speak quietly instead. It's been very challenging but what I didn't expect was how my home suddenly feels so much more peaceful as well. May it bring peace to Klal Yisrael too…"

    馃挱"I couldn't think of anything I could stick with. Then I heard an idea of just wearing a bit less makeup. Okay, maybe I could do that one for 2 weeks…so I started with not wearing lipstick. I hope it helps"

    馃挱"I kinda gained some weight lately and didn't pay too much attention to how my clothes looked because of it…so after hearing this idea, I decided to check. My black straight skirt really was too tight and short now. It was hard for me but I threw it out, asking Hashem to throw out the bad gezaira from all of us, and the captives in particular."

    Wow, ladies, that's amazing. This gave me loads of food for thought myself.

    I'm sending this out now even though it's so late. Because it's crucial we stop and daven right now.

    And the truth is, that it's so late here, I do not know how to verify what is going on exactly. But I decided to send this anyhow, on the assumption that it is, chas v'shalom, true, because if chalillah something would happen and I didn't even try, we'd all feel terrible, later…

    And If he is okay (Please Hashem, we hope he is!) let all our tefillos go to help protect our soldiers and the captives as well.

    May it help all of us

    Have a good night/ morning,

    And may we hear how Arvin Netanel's sentence was turned around for the good,

      With blessings for a good week, filled with yeshuos and shemira for all of Klal Yisrael.

      CHAZAK V'AMATZ -- Stay Strong!

      All the best,

      Tamar Ansh

      Yerushalayim Ihr Hakodesh, 转转讘讘"讗

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      Have a great challah baking day! 

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