Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Fwd: Gimmel Tamuz 30 Years - Special Projects

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin <es@jemedia.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 18, 2024, 4:32 PM
Subject: Gimmel Tamuz 30 Years - Special Projects
To: agentemes4@gmail.com <agentemes4@gmail.com>


12 Sivan, 5784 -
the days leading up to Gimmel Tamuz שנת השלושים


Dear Shluchim and Members of Anash,

With the approach of the Previous Rebbe's thirteenth Yahrzeit, the Rebbe spoke of the special energy and opportunity of thirty years from the Nosi's passing – ויהי בשלושים שנה.

World Jewry now stands in the days leading up to Gimmel Tammuz thirty years, and we are each seeking ways to connect with the Rebbe – ourselves, our families and our communities – and to share the Rebbe's guidance and inspiration; not as a decades-old memory, G-d forbid, but as a living, vibrant, relevant relationship.

In the hope that they will be of help to you, we offer the resources below in the areas of our special shlichus – sharing the Rebbe himself through audio and video recordings and experiences:

  • Short Film - We are pleased to announce "The Ultimate Influencer is You: Carrying forward the Rebbe's passion for transforming lives," a forthcoming video that will, IYH, be available on Tuesday, 26 Sivan - July 2nd.

The 7-10 minute film, created with wider audiences in mind, will explore the Rebbe's core teaching that every Jew, regardless of background, can and must have a life-changing impact on others. (This film will also serve as the Living Torah of the week of Gimmel Tammuz)

  • Other Special Videos - We have created a special page featuring a number of powerful and inspiring films of or about the Rebbe and/or Gimmel Tammuz.

  • Books for Distribution - Stories of the Rebbe are a beautiful resource for people to connect with the Rebbe in a heartwarming and personal way. Tens of thousands of the My Story volumes and other books of this genre have been distributed by Shluchim and have made a real impact on countless individuals. Visit JEMstore.com's book section to order. (Bulk discounts are available in each item's page.)

  • "How Israel Wins" - A multimedia seminar produced by JEM and JLI, featuring the Rebbe's insights on achieving security and peace in Eretz Yisrael in a comprehensive, engaging and uplifting manner. This stand-alone, ninety minute seminar will be available to Shluchim IYH July 4.

  • My Rebbe - A special 3-part curriculum by Connection Point, with newly-produced films, interactive exercises helps children learn התקשרות from the Rebbe himself, on their level, making their relationship with the Rebbe personal and relevant. (The curriculum has already been experienced by 3,000+ children in over 40 schools.)

More on the way:

Look out for several other exciting announcements in the coming days, including:

  • An all-new JEM.tv children's page, featuring new content types.

  • Facial recognition technology for locating individuals with the Rebbe.

  • Specially-produced social media clips for Gimmel Tamuz.

***   ***   ***

JEM Foundation Event - Brighter Than Ever, an experience for members and supporters of the JEM Foundation. Members of the JEM Foundation provide financial support for JEM's mission, including crucial funding for all the projects above.

The event, to be held IYH at 7p.m. on Motzaei Gimmel Tamuz, within driving distance of  the Ohel, will tell the story of how the Rebbe's impact on the world has grown over the past thirty years. Invitations to follow shortly.

***   ***   ***

The world is more thirsty than ever for the Rebbe's clarity, guidance, and comforting presence. We look forward to helping you, your family and your community connect with, and learn from, the Rebbe. If you have any questions or need assistance with accessing any of this content, please contact us at jem@jemedia.org.

With the hope and prayer for the imminent redemption, when we will be reunited with the Rebbe physically, with the coming of Mashiach, now.

Rabbi Elkanah Shmotkin and the JEM Team


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