Thursday, July 18, 2024

Fwd: Parshat Balak - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman

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Date: Thu, Jul 18, 2024, 4:11 PM
Subject: Parshat Balak - With the Light of Rebbe Nachman
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Parshat Balak with Reb Chaim Kramer
 (with subtitles)
Only one day left until our annual book sale ends!

Come on! Enjoy 25% off all our books, and 40% off our featured book of the week - Rebbe Nachman's Tikkun (hardcover).
Hurry and make your purchases now!

The Breslov Research Institute joins the mourning family of Sarah Gelbach, who passed away last Monday at the age of 101.

Sarah was probably the last survivor of pre-war Uman. She grew up knowing many of the leaders of the Breslov movement in Uman and survived WWII in Stalingrad, where she herself had to bury her father in 1943.

She is survived by a most beautiful family of hundreds of offspring, including children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren.

May her memory be blessed, as she was an inspiration to us all.

A short comment from my wife about her on Monday after the Levaya:

"Just went to a levaya of an amazing woman I knew (101 years old), Sarah Gelbach, descendant of Rabbeinu ZaL, whom EVERYONE EVERYONE EVERYONE loved and admired and respected (my daughter-in-law Racheli's grandmother). She had NO hesped (eulogy), because no one would have been able to stop singing her praises... What a thing to aspire to be like her..."
Ohr Avrohom Shul Expansion
Each helped his neighbor; to his brother he said, "Strengthen yourself!" (Isaiah 41:6)

We have deep HaKaras HaTov (gratitude) for the Breslover Shul here in Jerusalem, called Ohr Avraham, which is named after Rabbi Avraham Sternhartz Z"l. I davened there for many years.

They are currently working to expand the shul. I'd like to personally ask you to please take part and help them grow. There is a great need for more space for people to daven there and get close to HaShem.

Thank you so much,
Chaim Kramer
Although the following Torah thought from Reb Ephraim'l, author of Oneg Shabbos, is well known, it is important to repeat and internalize its message, for it is our only hope.

The initials of our parsha, Balak, form an acronym for ב'ינו ל'בינו ק'ונו, which means "between us and our Creator." Hidden here is the profound secret of hitbodedut (personal prayer). Set aside time to be alone, to speak with Hashem in your own simple language. Only through this can we be saved from the pitfalls of this crazy world and reach the highest levels.

Bilaam knew this secret and also tried to go alone, as the Torah states, "And he went alone," which Targum translates as "by himself." However, he tried to cause what Rebbe Nachman writes in Sefer HaMidot, "Through improper hitbodedut, one comes to anger." He wanted Hashem to be angry with the Jewish people and destroy them. Yet, Chazal teaches us that during those days, Hashem did not get angry at all.

Now, we must strengthen ourselves in this great trait and ask and plead with Hashem that we merit to engage in hitbodedut every day and remember our eternal purpose.

Shabbat Shalom!

Chaim Kramer


Balak and Bilaam: The Power of Jealousy and Choice
written by Chaim Kramer
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Bilaam's Mitzvah
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How to Reveal the Truth – Parshat Balak
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Dvar Torah for Parshas Balak
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From Amalek to Awareness
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Know Where You Stand – Parshat Balak
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Weekly Likutey Moharan – Reb Moshe Rubin – Lesson 19 – Part #6
given by Moshe Rubin
Listen Online

Parshat Balak - How Hashem truly loves us and is always taking care of us behind the scenes - Chaim Freud
Did Bilaam Really Think God Would Destroy His People? - Yossi Katz
Parshat Balak - Bilaam's Mitzvah
Meir Elkabas
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