Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Fwd: Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer: 9/11

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From: Orthodox Union <>
Date: Wed, Sep 11, 2024, 7:30 AM
Subject: Message From Rabbi Moshe Hauer: 9/11
To: <>

On September 11th America awoke with a jolt. With the collapse of the towers, we discovered that our country's enemies were not resentful people sitting in a corner of the globe but hateful conquerors who despised us and had come to take America down.

That tragedy triggered America's rebirth. Flags appeared everywhere, huge flags. Those who hated our country made us realize how much we love it.

The American spirit was revived and celebrated. The men and women of the armed forces, firefighters, EMTs, and police reminded us that while we had enemies, we also had heroes. With God's help, they enabled us to prevail.

Love and pride for our country and the heroism of its founders and protectors. That is the legacy of 9/11. Not security lines and metal detectors.

Americans have had another rude awakening. The pillars of America have been insidiously and gradually undermined, both on the campuses of our educational institutions and in our streets, where American flags are burned and the heroes protecting our nation are cast as villains.

We cannot let this continue. We stand up today and every day with love and pride in what this country is and what it stands for and in the heroes who founded it and protect us every day. Remember 9/11.

God bless America.


Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Executive Vice President

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