Monday, September 9, 2024

Fwd: Siyum Yerushalmi Trip and Siyum

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Rabbi Moshe Schwed <>
Date: Mon, Sep 9, 2024, 8:20 PM
Subject: Siyum Yerushalmi Trip and Siyum
To: <>

Dear Yerushalmi Daf Yomi Lomdim and All Torah Friends,


All Daf has played a significant role in facilitating the limud of Talmud Yerushalmi, which has seen a revival in part thanks to All Daf's shiurim, calendar. and partnership with ArtScroll. As we approach the end of Seder Zeraim in this Yerushalmi cycle, it is important to take note of the upcoming historic milestone of hundreds, if not thousands, of people finishing Yerushalmi Zeraim together.  It is our hope that this collective accomplishment will be a true kiddush Hashem and be an inspiration for the Jewish community worldwide.


As we near the completion of this cycle, we'd like to gauge interest in a live siyum with our All Torah Magidei Shiur - Rabbis Shalom Rosner, Zecharia Resnik, and Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg in Eretz Yisrael sometime during the week of November 24-28, which is the week of Thanksgiving. 


As everything is in planning stages and subject to change, we'd potentially like to hold the siyum on Thursday evening November 28 in Yerushalayim. We are also planning an immersive day trip with other Daf learners to experience in real life some of the fascinating practical implications of various Zeraim activities that take place in Eretz Yisrael. Here are some ideas we are considering:


  • A visit to a winery where you'll experience firsthand the process of wine making and the various practices employed to ensure the highest quality wine and adherence to all the Mitzvos Hateluyos Ba'aretz at the highest level including Hafrashas Terumos and Maasros, Orlah, Kilayim and more.
  • A visit to a Mechon (an agricultural institute) dedicated to these Mitzvos with a guided tour of their work and real life examples of Mitzvos Hateluyos Ba'aretz.
  • A visit to a large distribution plant to learn the processes for commercial Hafrashas Terumos and Maasros.
  • Honoring farmers affected in the North and South at the Siyum.

Please respond to the questions in the survey below, so we can determine if we have enough interest to bring this idea to fruition.  


Please note:

* The cost of the siyum and day trip is to be determined. We are not arranging airfare and hotel accommodations at this time.

** The trip is currently only open to men. The siyum will likely have space for women as well, but this will need to be determined as we get closer based on space constraints.



We look forward to hearing your feedback,


Rabbi Moshe Schwed

Director, All Torah

40 Rector St, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10006

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