Sunday, September 13, 2020

Aneinu Please Daven for Hagaon Harav Meir Mazuz

 Please daven for Meir Nissim ben Kimsana

Hagaon Harav Meir Mazuz began feeling ill after his weekly shiur on Motzei Shabbos and on Sunday morning, he was evacuated to the hospital by ambulance from his home in Bnei Brak.
Those close to the Rosh Yeshivah,  said that he is not ill with the coronavirus.
Signs were hung up in Yeshivas Kisei Rachamim in Bnei Brak asking his talmidim to learn and daven for a refuah sheleimah.
The Rav’s name for tefillah is:  מאיר ניסים בן כמסאנה.

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