Thursday, September 10, 2020

FW: Watch video: The Chofetz Chaim can be your advocate this Rosh Hashana.

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-------- Original message --------
From: Michael Rothschild <>
Date: 9/10/20 1:00 PM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: Watch video: The Chofetz Chaim can be your advocate this Rosh Hashana.

Make your donation now.
Dear Friend:

Can you imagine having the Chofetz Chaim be your advocate this Rosh Hashana?

In 1932 the Chofetz Chaim wrote a letter to a donor who helped publish his seforim.  He wrote: "With Hashem's help I will be your advocate in Shomayim in your ti
me of need for helping me spread Torah."
You have been a talmid of the Chofetz Chaim Zt"l, through our programs for some time.  This is huge, because when someone learns the Torah of the tzaddik, it creates an incredible connection between the two – especially when the learning is done in order to incorporate that teaching into one's life – as you do.

The bond is created because your learning is making the zchus of the Tzaddik even greater in shomaim, enabling him to intercede for you and klal Yisrael that much more powerfully.  And nothing glorifies the name of Hashem - and empowers the zchus of the tzaddik - more than getting his teaching out to more and more Jews everywhere!

And that is why I'm writing you this email today.  As of today, over 150,000 people participate in Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation programs every year through daily learning programs, chizuk hotlines, and educational curriculums – yet our work has barely begun!

This coming Sunday, 24th of Elul – the first day of slichos – just 5 days before Rosh Hashanah, we'll be holding iy"H the Chofetz Chaim charidy campaign on the 87th yartzheit of the Chofetz Chaim.

Any donation you make between now than will be matched, doubling your donation and your z'chusim!

There's no better time to cement your bond to the saintly Chofetz Chaim Zt"l - and get his merit to stand by you this Rosh Hashanah - then by helping to spread his teachings by clicking here making the largest donation you can right now.
K'siva Va'Chasima Tova and a good gebentched year
Michael Rothschild

For the first time ever:  While donating, please be sure to include your name and that of your family to be prayed for by the kever of the Chofetz Chaim Zt"l on the day of his Yahrtzeit!  Deadline for submission of names for prayer is Motzei Shabbos at 1:00 AM – don't miss out!
Click here to make your donation now.

Our mailing address is:
361 Spook Rock Rd. Suffern, NY 10901

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