Friday, September 11, 2020

Fwd: Alone Together (Again); The Rav on Teshuvah; Limited $1K Vouchers for NCSY Summer

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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
Watch: A Little Bit Goes a Long Way – 10-Minute Talks to Prepare for Rosh Hashana Orthodox Union

This Sunday, join Rabbi Efrem Goldberg, Mrs. Sivan Rahav Meir and other noted speakers for brief, yet powerful, insight as we prepare for the High Holidays.

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Watch: A Little Bit Goes a Long Way – 10-Minute Talks to Prepare for Rosh Hashana
  Yemei Ratzon
OU Yomim Noraim
Chag at Home—Your Ultimate Holiday Toolkit Torah Initiatives

Chag at Home features plenty of learning material for your Yomim Noraim preparation, including study guides, content for kids ages 2-18 and material for developing family conversations at your yom tov table.

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  Chag at Home—Your Ultimate Holiday Toolkit
Register Today for Torah Yerushalayim OU Israel

Register for this virtual three-day event featuring over 40 speakers including Rav Asher Weiss, Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel, Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon and many others.

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  Register Today for Torah Yerushalayim
Synagogues Grapple with Putting Changes in Place for High Holiday Services Faygie Holt

“This is a time when the true focus of prayer and the need for prayer is more intense than ever,” said OU Executive Vice President Rabbi Moshe Hauer.

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  Synagogues Grapple with Putting Changes in Place for High Holiday Services
Women's Initiative Yemei Ratzon Leil Selichot Presentations OU Women's Initiative

Join us motzoei Shabbat at 9:00 PM EDT for an inspiring Leil Selichot presentation by Professor Smadar Rosensweig and Mrs. Michal Horowitz.

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  Women's Initiative Yemei Ratzon Leil Selichot Presentations
Watch: Alone Together (Again!) Preparing for the Chagim SPIRIT Initiative

Jews are experienced in facing adversity. Join Faye Wilbur, LCSW-R, to review and learn options on how we face adversity, think creatively and feel prepared for the Yomim Noraim.

Register now
  Watch: Alone Together (Again!) Preparing for the Chagim
Around the OU
Limited Offer: Register for NCSY Summer Now & Receive $1,000 off in RootOne Vouchers NCSY

Summer 2021 registration is open and NCSY is proud to be the only Orthodox organization offering $1,000 off in RootOne Vouchers on 3-week summer trips to Israel. Vouchers are limited, so register your yeshiva day school teen today.

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  Limited Offer: Register for NCSY Summer Now & Receive $1,000 off in RootOne Vouchers
Watch: Project Resilience—Your Mental Health Resource Orthodox Union

All 24 sessions are now available for you to stream at your convenience. Topics include dealing with anxiety and parenting teens. Get started on the road to your mental wellbeing today.

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  Watch: Project Resilience—Your Mental Health Resource
How to Renew a Nation Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Parshat Vayelech includes two meta-commands (laws about the Law): to assemble the people every seven years for a public reading of the Torah, and to take part in writing our own Sefer Torah.

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  How to Renew a Nation
Birkat Yitzchak—Nitzavim Rabbi Menachem Genack

Rashi explains why parshat Nitzavim immediately follows the curses of Ki Tavo. Perhaps this can also explain why we blow one hundred shofar blasts on Rosh Hashanah.

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  Birkat Yitzchak—Nitzavim
Enhancing the Spirituality of Others Torah Tidbits

Enjoy Rabbi Shalom Rosner on the parsha and more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

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  Enhancing the Spirituality of Others
Reflections Upon the Year's End Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

How is our year-end mood reflected in this week's parsha?

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  Reflections Upon the Year's End
At Summer's End Rabbi Norman Lamm zt"l

For Jeremiah, the dominant mood at summer’s end is not one of jubilation and satisfaction, but one of disappointment and frustration.

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  At Summer's End
Hirhur Teshuvah: The Teshuvah of Rosh Hashanah Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik z"tl

The Rav describes various stages of teshuvah, each corresponding to the decreasing proximity of Hashem to the world between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.

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  Hirhur Teshuvah: The Teshuvah of Rosh Hashanah
Why Do Ashkenazim Begin Selichot on Motzoei Shabbat? OU Kosher

Discover the answer in this edition of Halacha Yomis.

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  Why Do Ashkenazim Begin Selichot on Motzoei Shabbat?
Orthodox Union to Supervise Kosher Food Certification in UAE OU Kosher

The Times of Israel has the scoop on exciting kashrut news coming out of the UAE.

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  Orthodox Union to Supervise Kosher Food Certification in UAE
Featured Company: Bliss in a Bottle OU Kosher

Check out Bliss in a Bottle—OU Kosher certified and the perfect yom tov treat!

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  Featured Company: Bliss in a Bottle
CSAs: Get the Vegetables at the Farm Steven Genack

By being a part of community-supported agriculture (CSA), you are in a sense returning to nature, where for a share in a farm you are apportioned fresh produce to pick up every week.

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  CSAs: Get the Vegetables at the Farm

Parshat Nitzavim-Vayelech
September 11-12, 2020
23 Elul 5780

Isaiah 61:10-63:9

OU Featured Product

Yachad Gift Basket

A Rosh Hashanah Box of Chocolate and Honey
Buy from Yachad Gifts
Featured OU Jobs

Principal Researcher
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Marketing and Outreach Manager – Yachad Summer
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