Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Fwd: Are you ready for Rosh Hashana?

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 15, 2020, 11:02 AM
Subject: Are you ready for Rosh Hashana?
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Teshuva, Tefilla and Tzedaka

Yeshiva University

Center for the Jewish Future

September 15-21 • Elul 26-Tishrei 3

The newsletter this week has been sponsored in honor of Rabbi Lebowitz, wishing him continued kochos for his amazing harbatzas Torah amu"sh

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

for a refuah shleimah for Shifra bas Miriam
לזכר נשמת רות בת אברהם
by Dale and Leonard Pianko to mark the 11th yahrtzeit of Reena Leeba bas Moshe Halevi
Yaakov and Ruth Glasser as a zechus for a refuah shleima for Yosef ben Malka Matil

New This Week

Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

Bircas ha-Torah: A Window into the Business and Pleasure of Studying Torah

Is Bircas ha-Torah one of the 613 mitzvos? Is it recited on voluntary learning, quiet learning and on non-Mikra? What sort of bracha is it? Why is the Torah compared to water, milk and wine?

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Rabbi Naphtali Lavenda

If I only had a Heart: Crying on Rosh Hashana is a Lesson for Life
Is it worse to not be able to stop crying, or to not be able to cry at all? Exploring the meaning of crying on Rosh Hashana.

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Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Teshuvah For What We Have Done And For Who We Have Become
Has there ever been a Rosh Hashana in our lives that has called for more introspection and self-awareness than this year?

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Dr. David Pelcovitz

Psychology of Teshuva
What does healthy change look like? An interview with the YU Torah Mitzion Kollel of Chicago.

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Rabbi Moshe Taragin

We Are All "Beinoni"- Varieties of Imperfect Teshuva
Teshuva is meant to be inspiring and uplifting, but very often it can be frustrating and exhausting. How do we know if we are doing Teshuva properly?

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Rabbi Moshe Weinberger

You've Got a Friend

How do we enter the mikdash of the Yamim Noraim that culminates in the kodesh kodashim of ne'ilah? Perhaps the key lies in the familiar salutation we offer each other this time of year.

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Rabbi Jeremy Wieder

Second Day of Rosh HaShanah: How is This [Second] Day Different From All Other [Second] Days?

What makes Yom Tov sheni of Rosh Hashana unique among the Yomim Tovim, and especially this year?

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Featured on YUTorah

Rosh Hashana on YUTorah

Prepare for the King's arrival with shiurim on the laws and customs of Rosh Hashana.

Browse the Shiurim

Understanding the Rosh Hashana Machzor

Learn the structure and secrets of the nusach that was chosen to guide us to greet the King, and change your Rosh Hashana experience forever.

Learn More

The Laws and Lessons of the Shofar

What is a proper sound for the shofar? Why do we blow them in the middle of the amida? And how do we relate to a Rosh Hashana without a shofar?

Learn More

Tzom Gedalia

Why is there a fast day in the middle of the Yamim Noraim that seemingly has nothing to do with Teshuva or Tishrei?

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