Friday, September 4, 2020

Fwd: Let’s Share in Simchos

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From: Naftali Miller <>
Date: Fri, Sep 4, 2020, 11:34 AM
Subject: Let's Share in Simchos
To: <>

Good Afternoon,

This week has been one of intense personal simcha for me. Last night we were Zoche to celebrate the Chasuna of my son, Shalom. At the Chasuna of a child one feels a range of emotions, as Simcha is mixed with awe and Hakaras Hatov for the Brachos bestowed upon us by HKBH.

These emotions are similar to the way that I felt as our "You Are Vital" day of giving drew to a close on Wednesday evening. Yes, there was of course true Simcha: with the help of over 12,000 partners we reached our historic goal. That simcha was accompanied by true Hakaras Hatov as well: each person who participated not only gave of their precious resources, but validated the mission of The Agudah. By joining in our campaign you showed that you understand that you are as vital to us as we are to you.

My Birchas Hedyot is that we, The Agudah, should continue to be worthy of your partnership, and that we all continue to share Simchos on both personal and communal levels.

Thank you again and have a wonderful Shabbos,

Naftali Miller
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway - 14th Floor, New York, NY 10004
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