Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Fwd: Sichos This Week + Sichos In English

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Date: Tue, Sep 8, 2020, 10:06 PM
Subject: Sichos This Week + Sichos In English
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

והנה, ידוע המשל המובא בחסידות, לאחד שיש לו אוצר חתום שלא ראהו, אבל מכיון שהוא יודע שהאוצר שלו, ומפתחות האוצר נמצאים בידו, וביכלתו לפתוח את האוצר מתי שירצה, הנה אף שכרגע אינו רואה את האוצר, מ"מ הרי הוא בשמחה גדולה.

וכמו"כ בנדו"ד: כיון שהמפתח נמצא בידינו, ומתי שנרצה יכולים אנו לפתוח את האוצר, גם "היום, אם בקולו תשמעו", בשעתא חדא וברגעא חדא – הנה אפילו שאין הדבר אצלו בהרגש, הרי הידיעה כשלעצמה, והוודאות שבפנימיות יש לנו זאת, צריכה לפעול עילוי. (ח"י אלול תשי"ז)
Dear friend, 

The treasure is Likkutei Sichos and the keys are in our hands. Until now one could have said, these are difficult Sichos, I cannot learn them on my own, I don't have the time. 

Now the treasure has been unlocked. With Shiurim, resources, in so many languages, and so many others learning together, this very knowledge is empowering, uplifting, and brings us to great joy.

From Chai Elul, which brings a Chayos, vitality and enthusiasm, into Elul, we can and must keep it going strong with the study of Likkutei Sichos.

Ksiva Vachasim Tova!
September 7, 2020 •  חי' אלול תש׳׳פ
This week we have 3 Sichos.
חלק יד • נצבים • שיחה א
הכתובה בספר בתורה הזה
he contrast between our passuk and that in the previous Parsha, בספר התורה הזאת. The difference between Sefer, the written word, and Torah, that which goes much beyond the written. The importance of recognizing the oneness in all aspects of Torah.
חלק יד • נצבים • שיחה ב
מחוטב עציך עד שואב מימיך
Why exclude the converts and mention them individually? The difference between these converts and the Giveonim in the days of Yehoshua. The chassidic interpretation, to remove the עציך - thoughts that distract us during davening, and the מימיך - pleasures of the world..
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חלק יד • נצבים • שיחה ג
הברכה והקללה
How does the Bracha motivate the person to do teshuva? The power of a Bracha that precedes the Klala. A beautiful lesson for the New Year, that every Jew receives the Bracha from Hashem.
Feature of the Week - English Translation
As we launched Project Likkutei Sichos, it became evident that one of the key components would be a translation of the Sicha, so that those who are not so comfortable with the original Hebrew text could sit down and learn a Sicha on their own.

To our surprise, we could barely find any pre-existing translations on the Sichos of these volumes, and were not sure how to proceed.

A group of volunteers stepped up and from day one of this project have translated, edited, and produced a beautiful product, one of the most popular Project Likkutei Sichos resources.

Recently, Sichos in English, the organization that has been translating Sichos since the early 1980s led by the unforgettable Reb Yona Avtzon a"h, and now succeeded by his son יבחל"ח Reb Shmuly Avtzon, have taken responsibility for the translation project, which will iy"h take this element of the Project Likkutei Sichos to newer and greater heights.

Thank you to the most dedicated English Translation Team.
  • Rabbi Shmuly Avtzon, Brooklyn, NY
  • Rabbi Moshe Goldman, Waterloo, ON
  • Rabbi Eliezer Robbins, Toronto, ON
  • Rabbi Lazer Danzinger, Toronto, ON
  • Rabbi Shmully Kesselman, Brooklyn, NY
  • Rabbi Eliezer Zalmanov, Munster, IN
  • Rabbi Yossi Sirota, Brooklyn, NY
  • Rabbi Menachem Feldman, Greenwich, CT
  • Rabbi Chaim Dovid Janowski, Coral Springs, FL
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
לע״נ החסיד ר׳ אהרן ב״ר יהושע שניאור זלמן סערעבריאנסקי ע״ה
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