Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Fwd: The Laws of Yom Tov, The Kosher Kitchen and Mishna Yomi

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From: YUTorah <>
Date: Tue, Sep 17, 2024, 2:39 PM
Subject: The Laws of Yom Tov, The Kosher Kitchen and Mishna Yomi
To: <>

New on YUTorah this week
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The Laws of Yom Tov

There are A LOT of yamim tovim coming up. Do you know what's allowed and what's not? 
Start Learning
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The Kosher Kitchen

In addition to the regular gemara shiurim in YU, there are a number of options for learning Yoreh Deah and the laws of Basar B'chalav. Join a shiur to master the laws of the kosher kitchen.
Start Learning
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Jump into Mishna Yomi

Mishna Yomi is starting Bava Metzia! Now's the time to get into the daily learning of 2 mishnayot to add more Torah to your day with your choice of maggid shiur to follow on YUTorah.
Start Learning
Rabbi Elchanan Adler
Hilchos Chol Hamoed
Rabbi Dr. J. David Bleich
Mrs. Michal Horowitz
Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet-Rothkoff
Rabbi Jonah Steinmetz
Rabbi Mordechai Willig
The Marcos and Adina Katz YUTorah Website is a project of Yeshiva University.
Yeshiva University
515 West 185th St
New York, NY 10033

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