Monday, October 7, 2024

Fw: Commemorating October 7th at HTC

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From: "HTC" <>
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Sent: Mon, Oct 7, 2024 at 4:35 PM
Subject: Commemorating October 7th at HTC
Email from Hebrew Theological College

October 7, 2024

Dear Alumni and Friends,

Today, October 7th, we remember and mourn those who were killed, H"YD, one year ago in the worst attack on the Jewish people since the Holocaust. In HTC's Beis Midrash and college, Rabbi Moshe Revah, Rosh HaYeshiva delivered a special shiur with chizuk and dedicated today's Tehillim and Torah learning in memory of the 1,200+ Kedoshim and more than 700 fallen IDF soldiers.

In Fasman Yeshiva High School, our students divided up Mishnayos Seder Moed and made a Siyum together, followed by heartfelt singing. We heard from Eyal Reuveni, who shared inspiring words about the bravery of the soldiers in his unit who were tragically killed in Gaza. The entire Yeshiva sang "Happy Birthday" to send to the widow and family of fallen soldier Mark Konovitch, remembering him on what would have been his 36th birthday.

Our special program concluded with students writing heartfelt letters to chayalim, which will be shared with soldiers on the front lines in the coming weeks.

Tonight, we invite women in the community to join us at Sarah Hartman Women's College of Touro for an evening of reflection featuring speakers Rabbi Binyomin Olstein, Mrs. Nurit Siegel, and Rabbanit Kochava Yitzchak (flyer below).

May our davening and Torah learning and additional merits during these days leading up to Yom Kippur serve as a zechus for our brothers and sisters in Israel and all of Klal Yisrael.


Rabbi Shmuel Schuman


October 7th Programming:

Words From Rabbeim and Administration

Mishnayos Seder Moed Siyum

Guest Speaker Eyal Reuveni

Letter Writing to Chayalim

TONIGHT: For Women

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 Hebrew Theological College is a member of Touro University
and a partner with the Jewish United Fund in serving our community

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