Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Fw: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} please daven Kaliver Rebbe of Williamsburg, Rav Moshe ben Reizel

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From: "Rabbi Zwecker רב צווקר" <>
To: "beermayimchaim" <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 26, 2025 at 2:26 PM
Subject: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} please daven Kaliver Rebbe of Williamsburg, Rav Moshe ben Reizel

The Kaliver Rebbe of Williamsburg, Rav Moshe ben Reizel, has been hospitalized and is suffering from internal bleeding.

The rebbe, who only communicates through his eyes due to his illness, is in need of rachamei Shomayim.

The rebbe was taken to Columbia Hospital in Manhattan after not feeling well. Despite battling a progressive muscle disease for a decade, the rebbe continues his avodas hakodesh, using his eyes to communicate through a specialized computer program.

For years, the rebbe has written letters of chizuk to Jews around the world before each Yom Tov, a tradition he has maintained despite his illness, which has him paralyzed. He continues to write these letters, which are mechazeik Yidden.

On Friday night, the rebbe entered the tish at his shul in Williamsburg as he does every week. Shortly thereafter, the gabbai noticed that the rebbe was not feeling well and immediately called Hatzalah, who rushed him to the hospital. He was diagnosed with an infection.

However, after a series of follow-up tests, it was discovered that the rebbe is suffering from internal bleeding.

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Fw: Get Inspired for Pesach: Catch Up on the Latest Seder Snippets With Rabbi Brand!

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From: "YU Torah Mitzion Kollel" <>
To: "Chana Chroman" <>
Sent: Wed, Mar 26, 2025 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Get Inspired for Pesach: Catch Up on the Latest Seder Snippets With Rabbi Brand!

Fwd: Business Halacha Daily

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From: Bais HaVaad Halacha Center <>
Date: Tue, Mar 25, 2025, 8:00 PM
Subject: Business Halacha Daily
To: <>

May I Let My Friend Use My Credit Card to Make a Purchase That Contains Interest?

Case: Reuven has an Amazon business and needs funds to make some purchases. His friend, Shimon, offers to let him use his credit card, as long as he agrees to cover any interest fees he may incur.

Question: Is this a ribbis problem? 


Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs

Answer: The Gemara in Bava Metziah discusses a case where a Jew borrows money from a non-Jew with interest and then lends that money to another Jew. The halacha is that even though the first borrower has to pay interest to the non-Jew, he cannot charge interest to the Jew he subsequently lent the money to. Furthermore, it says that it is even forbidden for the second Jew to make payments directly to the non-Jewish lender, and goes so far as to say that this is actually forbidden mid'ohraysa.

This is hard to understand because the first Jew is not benefiting at all from the interest payment; however, the fact remains that the Gemara clearly states that this is forbidden.   

Accordingly, if one Jew takes credit from a non-Jew, it would be forbidden for another Jew that borrows that money from him and incurs interest to either pay him back or pay back the credit card company directly; therefore, a heter iska would be needed in such a case.

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Fwd: Torat Imecha Halacha : Cleaning for Pesach