Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Fwd: Seeing Megilat Ruth in a New Light

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From: YUTorah <office@yutorah.org>
Date: Tue, May 28, 2024, 11:00 AM
Subject: Seeing Megilat Ruth in a New Light
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

New on YUTorah this Week

Yeshiva University

Yeshiva University Stands Together With Israel

Click here for resources, materials and recordings about the current situation in Israel. Please have in mind for all the learning on YUTorah to be a merit for the Jewish community in Israel and around the world, and be a protection for the IDF soldiers and captives currently in danger.

May 28-June 3 • Iyar 20-26

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Sharon and Jeffrey Frieling in memory of Tzvi ben Yosef, Harry Ederson

by the Price Family in memory of Dr. Clifton Price, Akiva ben Avraham, whose yahrzeit is the 19th of Iyar

by the Gluck family l'ilui nishmas Simcha ben Zvi Gluck

New This Week


Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

The Mitzvos and the Core of Masseches Berachos, Inside Out

The Donny Morris z"l yahrzeit shiur.

Listen Now

Rabbi Chaim Eisenstein

The Depth of Shavuos—The Depth of Halacha

If we reached the ultimate relationship with Hashem at Krias Yam Suf on Shevii shel Pesach, what greater level are we celebrating on Shavuos? 

Listen Now

Rabbi Yona Reiss

Neighborly Relations: Easements, Encroachments, Rights of Way, and Overhanging Tree Branches

What rights does halacha give an owner to use their property?

Listen Now

Rabbi Shay Schachter

Ana Hashem Ki Ani Avdecha: Pushing Ourselves to be Inspired by the Spirit of the Jewish People

Reflections on a recent trip to Israel.

Listen Now

Rabbi Baruch Simon

Paskening against the Shulchan Aruch: Sefiras Haomer

An analysis of the opinions about missing a day of counting.

Listen Now

Featured This Week


Remembering Rabbi Lamm zt"l

On his fourth yahrtzeit, take a moment to appreciate the depth of the Torah scholarship and leadership Rabbi Lamm contributed to the Jewish community.

Browse the Shiurim

Derech Hatevah Volume 28 now on YUTorah

Enjoy the newest edition of the Derech Hatevah publication, a Journal of Torah and Science from the students of Stern College for Women.

Browse the Articles

Learn Megilat Ruth in a New Light

Prepare for Shavuot with a new understanding of the story of Ruth with hundreds of shiurim and series on YUTorah.

Browse the Shiurim

Kollel & Midreshet Yom Rishon @YUTORAH

There was no program this past week. Please enjoy shiurim from our archives.

The Abraham Arbesfeld Kollel Yom Rishon for Men and Millie Arbesfeld Midreshet Yom Rishon for Women are programs of Yeshiva University's Center for the Jewish Future.

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