Thursday, May 21, 2020

Fwd: Eli Beer on OU Live; Ode to My Shul; Reflections on 1967

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Date: Thu, May 21, 2020, 8:54 PM
Subject: Eli Beer on OU Live; Ode to My Shul; Reflections on 1967
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Orthodox Union OU Shabbat Shalom Weekly
Watch: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Tuesday, May 26, at 8:00 PM Teach Coalition

Tune in for a 20-minute streaming event to honor our schools and their families and support the work of Teach Coalition. The video features heads of school and leaders from across the country as well as a tribute from Shiri Kenigsberg Levi, the Israeli mom whose video about online learning made waves around the world.

Watch here
Watch: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow - Tuesday, May 26, at 8:00 PM
Watch on Sunday: Worldwide Achdus Shavuos Experience Orthodox Union

Be inspired for Shavuos and Matan Torah. Join us on Sunday, May 24, at 10:00 AM EDT as we partner with Yeshivat HaKotel for an unprecedented worldwide achdus learning experience with the world's leading Rabbonim, educators and speakers.

Watch here
Watch on Sunday: Worldwide Achdus Shavuos Experience
Around the OU
NCSY Shavuos Lights NCSY

Join NCSY & OU educators for instruction and tips to learn with your family on Shavuos at home this year. Space is limited.

Read more
  NCSY Shavuos Lights
Origin Story: OU-JLIC's Virtual Beit Midrash OU-JLIC

Read a behind-the-scenes interview with Rabbi Jonathan Schulman, who explores OU-JLIC's new Virtual Beit Midrash program.

Read more
  Origin Story: OU-JLIC's Virtual Beit Midrash
OU Live Interview with Eli Beer Orthodox Union

Eli Beer, founder United Hatzalah of Israel, discussed miracles, surviving Coronavirus, his personal Pesach Sheni and more.

Watch here
  OU Live Interview with Eli Beer
Shavuot with the OU Women's Initiative OU Women's Initiative

The OU Women's Initiative Shavuot programming includes learning, inspiration, and even an experiential art event.

Read more
  Shavuot with the OU Women's Initiative
NY NCSY Responds to Pandemic Restrictions Avi Solomon

Since the day informal education started, the dilemma of finding the right proportion of informal to formal education has been a topic of great discussion.

Read more
  NY NCSY Responds to Pandemic Restrictions
Nathan Diament in the NYT: Nonpublic Schools Must be Treated Equitably OU Advocacy

In a letter to the editor published by Times, OU Advocacy's executive director called on school districts to follow federal guidelines requiring sharing COVID-19 relief funds equitably with K-12 nonpublic schools.

Read more
  Nathan Diament in the NYT:  Nonpublic Schools Must be Treated Equitably
Bamidbar Before Shavuot...Why? Rabbi Menachem Genack

Why do we read Parshat Bamidbar before the holiday of Shavuot

Read more
  Bamidbar Before Shavuot...Why?
Re-reading the Books of Esther and Ruth: Lessons for Leadership OU Women's Initiative

Join Ms. Raizi Chechik and the OU Women's Initiative for the Rosh Chodesh Sivan shiur

Watch here
  Re-reading the Books of Esther and Ruth: Lessons for Leadership
Sinai at Home—Your Beit Midrash to Go Torah Initiatives

Take a minute and we'll give you a whole night of learning! Learn from some of the greatest teachers, leaders, rabbis and rebbetzins all in one night.

Read more
  Sinai at Home—Your Beit Midrash to Go
Egalitarian Society, Jewish-Style Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

In connecting parshat Bamidbar to Shavuot, the Sages observe that fire, water and wilderness are free to all mankind. This is not the association most of us would make.

Read more
  Egalitarian Society, Jewish-Style
Bamidbar: Why Break the Tablets? Torah Tidbits

Rabbi Shmuel Goldin explores the luchot and much more in this week's Torah Tidbits.

Read more
  Bamidbar: Why Break the Tablets?
Transitions and Destinations Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb

One person's destination is often another person's transition, and vice versa.

Read more
  Transitions and Destinations
Jewish Thought
An Open Letter From the Bottom of My Heart Rabbi Efrem Goldberg

A Rabbi's ode to the shul he misses so dearly.

Read more
  An Open Letter From the Bottom of My Heart
How the World Changes in Six Days Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Was the Six Day War more transformative for Israel than the events of 1948?

Read more
  How the World Changes in Six Days
Featured Company: True Salt OU Kosher

Our featured company wanted a better salt. That's why they created True Salt.

Read more

  Featured Company: True Salt
OU Kosher's Daf HaKashrus Shavuos Edition OU Kosher

Prep for summer by delving into the kashrus and production of ice cream, one of the most challenging of dairy products.

Download here
  OU Kosher's Daf HaKashrus Shavuos Edition

Parshat Bamidbar
May 22-23, 2020
29 Iyar 5780

I Samuel 20:18-42 Machar Chodesh

This Shabbat

Mevarchim HaChodesh for the month of Sivan

Special Days

Yom Yerushalayim is celebrated on Friday, May 22
Rosh Chodesh Sivan is celebrated on Sunday, May 24
Yom Hameyuchas is celebrated on Monday, May 25
The Shloshet Yemei Hagbalah begin on Tuesday, May 26
Shavuot begins Thursday night, May 28

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