A. Shulchan Aruch (OC 286:4) discusses what should be done if one has not yet davened Musaf and it is already time for Mincha. - The first opinion is that you should first daven Mincha and then Musaf. This is because Mincha is tadir (more common), and the rule is that when one has two mitzvos to perform, the mitzvah that is tadir comes first.
- The second opinion maintains that tadir is only relevant if one is planning to daven both tefillos at this time. However, if you want to daven Musaf now and Mincha later, you may daven Musaf first.
- The third opinion is that when davening alone, Mincha comes first because it is tadir. However, when davening with a tzibur Musaf comes first, so that people do not err and think Mincha always must precede Musaf, even before chatzos (midday).
It can be inferred from the Mishna Berura (108:16) that we follow the third opinion and make a distinction between an individual and the tzibbur. |
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