Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Wed, May 6, 2020, 11:06 AM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel
To: <>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
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News from the Agudah:

  • The virtual Yarchei Kallah on Inyanei Brochos continues today with a shiur from Rabbi Nissan Kaplan at 12:00 pm EDT on Brochos on Breads: Kisnin, Mezonos Rolls, Pastries. The Zoom access code is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.

  • Ki Heim Chayeinu and the Daf Yomi Commission and pleased to share with you a wonderful resource for Daf Yomi learners. Our partners at send out a link each day for a multiple-choice test on that day's daf - click the answers and see immediately how well you did! It's a two-minute chazarah that helps you retain and remember each daf.

  • All the different Agudah divisions are busy with many different programs, and today we'd like to share a round up of the different Pirchei programs with you. There's so much going on, we suggest that you print this email out and make it available to your sons - they will be able to take advantage of the many offerings below!

We are living through unique times. Our daily life has slowly been redefined. Perhaps the most difficult hurdle of this time has been keeping our children busy. Our days are filled with providing our tinokos shel beis rabban with a meaningful schedule that is appropriate for their neshamah. Agudath Israel of America is ensuring that, in addition to the programs their yeshivos are providing, that there are fulfilling programs for our boys.

The international Branch Network of Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America is providing a plethora of stay-at-home programs available for elementary aged yeshiva boys during this eis tzarah. Please see below for a list of all the different Pirchei programs that are going on at this time.
The Pirchei Hotline: This amazing hotline is available 24/6 with excellent torahdika programming including stories, contests, live shows and more. Call 718-663-0212 to unlock this amazing world.
Pirchei Live: Every Sunday at 5:00 pm EDT there will be a weekly story, as well as special interviews with Pirchei directors across the country and live Tehillim. The number to call is 425-436-6277 access code: 533200#. All shows will be recorded and uploaded to the Pirchei hotline afterwards.
Ten minutes of Tehillim: There is a worldwide אמירת תהילים for kids of all ages at 6:00 pm each evening in their local time zone. One may say any perakim of Tehillim they wish or call the hotline at 6:00 pm EDT to follow live. Afterwards, your boys can call the hotline and choose option #9 to leave their name and phone number to enter into the daily raffle.
Pirchei Weekly: The widely popular Pirchei Weekly publication continues uninterrupted. To receive this publication, email
Pirchei Pages: A booklet featuring stories and divrei torah on the weekly Parsha ensuring that pirchim can still be occupied with Torah especially on the long Shabbos afternoons. To receive this booklet, contact your local Pirchei Director or email We also share these last two publications each Friday in the News from Agudah emails.
Night Seder America: Pirchei partnered with Rabbi Ari Schonfeld's wonderful nightly program for jr. high talmidim. The nightly hour-long conference has an engaging gemara shiur and special guest speakers, contests, prizes, and more. For more information contact
MishnaBoyz: This Monday through Thursday nightly conference focuses on younger Mishnayos-age boys. Arranged by Rabbi Daniel Waldman of Pirchei of Far Rockaway, the program features a Mishnayos shiur plus contests and raffles. Sunday Nights are called Learn-and-Live with presentations about different hands-on topics of Jewish life. For more information call 917-202-4056 or email
Daily Dose of Pirchei: An email message goes out daily with a short dvar torah and/or story. To receive these messages email or WhatsApp 514-991-9369. You can also log onto to view these messages plus beautiful biographical gedolim videos free of charge.
Daily Dose of Pirkei Avos: Every Sunday-Thursday at 5:30 pm EDT there is a 20-minute lesson in Pirkei Avos. On Fridays at 2:30 pm EDT there is a special oneg Shabbos. Just call 978-990-5000, access code: 161062.
We hope this difficult chapter will pass swiftly and with ease. In the meantime, the Agudah is helping with programs that keep your child engaged and learning. For general questions and guidance about Pirchei contact
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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