A. Ordinarily, two groups of five men in separate rooms do not combine to form a minyan. What is the status if the two groups see each other? The Mishnah Berurah (55:57) notes that this case is a machlokes haposkim (rabbinic dispute). On the one hand, the Rashba writes that perhaps we can equate forming a minyan for davening to establishing a group for zimun, where seeing each other unites the individuals. However, the Vilna Ga'on (Beiur Ha'Gra 55:31) disagrees with the Rashba, and maintains that creating a minyan is not analogous to forming a zimun. Many poskim agree with the Vilna Gaon. The Mishnah Berurah concludes that lechatchila one should be strict, and the two groups should daven in one area, but if there is a pressing need, one can be lenient if they see each other. Rav Schachter felt that this leniency should not be relied on to allow chazaras ha'shatz, which would be a bracha levatala according to the Vilna Goan. However, Minchas Asher (Teshuvos on Corona - Siman 18) and Rabbi Yitzchak Zylberstein (Teshuvos on Corona - Siman 24) follow the ruling of the Mishnah Berurah. Individuals should consult with their local rabbi. |
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