Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Fwd: Halacha Yomis - Davening Outside, Moving During Shmoneh Esrei

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From: OU Kosher <noreply@ounetwork.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 2, 2020, 7:01 AM
Subject: Halacha Yomis - Davening Outside, Moving During Shmoneh Esrei
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>


While davening Shemoneh Esrei it starts to pour...

OU Kosher
The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer
OU Kosher Halacha Yomis
This column is dedicated in memory of:
Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Reb Dov HaLevi Belsky, zt'l
Senior OU Kosher Halachic Consultant from 1987-2016

Q. I am davening Shemoneh Esrei outside when suddenly it begins to pour. If I remain where I am, I will get soaked. Am I permitted to walk under an awning or get an umbrella to protect myself from the rain?

A. Ordinarily, one is not permitted to walk around during Shemoneh Esrei, but it is permitted if there is a pressing need to avoid a distraction. For example, Shulchan Aruch (OC 96:2) writes that if one began Shemoneh Esrei and realizes he does not have a siddur, he can retrieve the siddur if he knows where the siddurim are kept and will not have to search. Rav Chaim Kanievsky (Ishei Yisroel 32, n.19) writes that if one becomes confused during Shemoneh Esrei and cannot continue without a siddur, he may even search for a siddur, since there is no other choice. Similarly, Mishnah Berurah (104:1) writes that one may distance himself during Shemoneh Esrei from disturbances that affect his concentration, and this would seemingly include rain.

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Dedicated by Gerald and Karin Feldhamer
in memory of their parents
R' Moshe ben R' Elyokim Getzel Feldhamer and Pesha bas Reb Mordechai
R' Avrohom Abba ben R' Chaim Finkelstein and Taube bas R' Yissocher Dov HaKohen
In memory of R' Kalman ben R' Moshe Feldhamer

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