A. The Mishnah Berurah (302:55) writes that it is permissible to pour water into a tub in which dirty clothing are soaking, provided the pieces of clothing are already submerged in water. Because the extra water does not benefit the clothing, there is no prohibition of washing clothing on Shabbos. Some poskim compare this case to pouring water on grass that is already saturated with rainwater. Since the additional water does not help the plants grow, and to the contrary, too much watering can be harmful, this is not treated (halachically) as watering plants on Shabbos. However, Shmiras Shabbos K'hilchasa (26:n. 21) cites poskim who maintain that although excessive watering is permitted on a Biblical level, it is nonetheless Rabbinically prohibited. Furthermore, even if the grass is saturated now, it may not be the case later in the day on Shabbos. Finally, it is very difficult to estimate if a plant has been adequately watered. The lawn should not be watered even if the person is not an owner and does not care if the grass grows. Instead, the water should be poured on cement, or he should wipe down the chair with a towel. This is not considered washing the towel, since it is done "derech lichluch" (in a manner that dirties the towel), just as it is permissible to dry one's hands on a towel for the same reason. (see Shulchan Aruch OC 302:10). |
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