Sunday, August 16, 2020

Fwd: Sichos This Week + Rabbi Levi Avtzon

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Date: Sun, Aug 16, 2020, 1:23 PM
Subject: Sichos This Week + Rabbi Levi Avtzon
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

והנה חודש אלול הוא חודש החשבון על שנה העברה, וחודש ההכנה לשנה הבאה. ויש לומר אשר לכן נרמזו בשמו של חודש זה עקרי סוגי עבודת האדם, אשר בהם צריכים להיות החרטה והתיקון על העבר והקבלה טובה על להבא. וכמאמר רז"ל: אלול – ר"ת אנה לידו ושמתי לך, ענין ערי מקלט. ובעבודת האדם זהו קו התורה, כי דברי תורה קולטין הן.
(מכ' י"ג אלול ה'תיש"א)
Dear friends,

As the month of Elul is just about upon us, it is time for a Cheshbon Nefesh. One of the Roshei Teivos (acronyms) of Elul is אנה לידו ושמתי לך, which refers to the Cities of Refuge - a metaphor for Torah, the ultimate refuge. We must ask ourselves where am I holding in my learning Torah.

Tens of thousands of clicks and views on the various different audio and video Shiurim on, and various other platforms, so many are learning and enjoying. Ask yourself: "Where am I holding? Two weekly Sichos, one sicha a week, what do I still have to do to grow in my Torah learning and specifically Likkutei Sichos?"

You can do it. Just press play, pick up a phone and learn with a friend, open the Sefer before davening, and you will see it will become part of you.

Ksiva Vachasima Tova!
August 16, 2020 •  כ'ו מנחם אב תש׳׳פ
חלק יד • שופטים • שיחה א
תמים תהי' עם ה' אלקיך
Two translations of the word Tomim in this possuk. Ramban and Rashi. Perfection or Sincerity. A profound lesson on trust in Hashem who controls our future and our destiny and the incredible reward that awaits us for it.
חלק יד • שופטים • שיחה ב
נביא מקרבך . . אליו תשמעון
An exploration of the Halacha that if a prophet permits a transgression he should be listened to, as it applies to bringing a sacrifice on an altar outside of the Holy Temple as in the story of Eliyahu Hanavi bringing a sacrifice on Har Hakarmel.
Feature of the Week - Rabbi Levi Avtzon
Rabbi Levi Avtzon, originally of Crown Heights, lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, with his wife Chaya and their children.

He is senior rabbi at the Linksfield Senderwood Hebrew Congregation. He is a dynamic teacher, prolific author with intriguing articles featured regularly on, a book on the way, a radio show host, and a captivating orator.

Rabbi Avtzon presents a Sicha Insight on both weekly Sichos, available in Audio and Video formats. His clear and concise style gives you a good review of the Sicha and a beautiful insight to take home.
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
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