Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 4 Tishrei 5781/September 22, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <news@agudah.org>
Date: Tue, Sep 22, 2020, 2:57 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 4 Tishrei 5781/September 22, 2020
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
September 22, 2020 - 4 Tishrei 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • Today is National Voter Registration Day! Agudath Israel urges all their constituents to register to vote as soon as possible. Click here for registration deadlines and more information on how to register in your state.

  • In preparation for yomim tovim and the people traveling before and during Sukkos, Agudath Israel of America's Washington Office has worked closely with agencies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help avoid potential problems for travelers carrying arbah minim. Please see below for important guidelines for traveling before the yomim tovim.

  • Agudath Israel's Torah Projects Commission's series on Tefilos Yom Kippur: Teshuvah, Tefilah, Tzedakah continues tonight at 10:00 PM EDT with a shiur by Rabbi Benzion Kokis on Seder Avodah L'Mussaf. See below for login information.

  • Agudas Yisroel of Peterson Park in Chicago is continuing its series of shiurim by Rabbi Shmuel Fuerst on halacha l'maaseh on sugyos from Daf Yomi. The shiur will be tonight and the topic will be Hilchos Chol Hamoed #3: writing/typing/recording/taking pictures, cutting nails and grooming on Chol Hamoed. The shiur is at 8:30 pm EDT, and the call in number is (518) 425-1725. 

  • Agudath Israel's Torah Projects Commission's annual daf yomi calendars have been sent out. Those who have received Daf Yomi mailings in the past should expect to receive them in the coming days. If you have not received your calendar, or are not listed to receive one, please email Torahprojects@agudah.org with your request.

  • Earlier this week, the New Jersey Legislature introduced their budget for the upcoming year. Rabbi Avi Schnall, Director of Agudath Israel's New Jersey office, gave an update to The Lakewood Scoop about the budget and its effect on our communities in New Jersey. Click here to view the video.

  • The Yerach Ha'eysonim Yarchei Kallah program for hilchos Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Sukkos continues tomorrow with a 11:00 AM hachana shiur followed by a 12:00 PM shiur by Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin on Geder Teshuvas Yom HaKippurim and a 1:00 PM shiur by Rabbi Boruch Dov Povarsky. See below for full schedule and login information.

Register to Vote
Guidelines for Traveling
As in past years, Agudath Israel of America's Washington Office has worked closely with agencies of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to help avoid potential problems for travelers carrying arba minim. 
Both the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have notified their respective field personnel about the upcoming Sukkos holiday and the increased level of travel by persons of the Jewish faith, many of whom will be carrying arba minim. The agencies have also made this information available to the public - the TSA notice here and the CBP notice here.

The notifications, which have been sent out to federal officials at airports and border crossings, emphasize the religious significance of these items and outline the rules and procedures that would help allay possible security and health issues that are of concern to the federal government. Prior to these agency steps, lack of familiarity regarding Sukkos and the arba minim had led to numerous incidents each year of inadvertent mishandling and mistreatment -- including denial of entry -- of these ritual objects.
The TSA Notice makes clear that the arba minim carried in airports, through security checkpoints or on aircraft, are not on the "prohibited items list" and provides instructions for travelers needing "special accommodations" in regard to checkpoint screening. The CBP Guidance sets forth detailed information regarding the inspection process for personal sets of arba minim brought into the United States from foreign countries at select ports of entry  and points out that the agency is "committed to treating all travelers, including travelers who may be observing Sukkot, with respect and dignity at all U.S. ports of entry." 

We are gratified by the ongoing sensitivity of these agencies to the religious concerns of our community," said Rabbi Abba Cohen, Agudath Israel's Vice President for Government Affairs and Washington Director. "They are taking meaningful and appropriate steps to accommodate our religious needs."
He also thanked his colleague Rabbi Ariel Sadwin for serving as the main Agudah point of contact with those federal agencies related to the annual guidance.
Agudath Israel of America once again produced a one-page handout that travelers can print out - or save to their phones - to familiarize themselves with the rules before traveling.

Please note that your travel plans may be significantly altered due to the current situation with COVID-19. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the health precautions your destination requires before arranging any sort of travel.
Teshuvah Tefilah Tzedakah
The program continues tonight at 10:00 PM EDT with a shiur by Rabbi Benzion Kokis on Seder Avodah L'Mussaf.

Watch at Torahanytime.com/agudahtorah or call in at 718-298-2077 extension 52.

Click here to view the recordings of previous shiurim.
Yarchei Kallah
Tomorrow, there will be a hachana shiur at 11:00 am EDT and a shiur by Rabbi Yitzchok Sorotzkin on Geder Teshuvas Yom HaKippurim and a 1:00 PM shiur by Rabbi Boruch Dov Povarsky.

The Zoom access link is https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83528677424 and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
Agudath Israel of America | 42 Broadway 14th floor, New York, NY 10004
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