Monday, November 2, 2020

Fwd: Soaring ever higher...

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Date: Mon, Nov 2, 2020, 8:24 PM
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להרשם לקבלת אימיילים בעברית לחצו כאן

15, Marcheshvan, 5781 - פלאות אראנו

אין להסתפק בעבודתו... כ"א צריך לעלות תמיד מעלה מעלה... ולאידך גיסא ישנה ההבטחה שכשיעבוד עבודתו עד מקום שידו מגעת, יתנו לו מלמעלה גם הגילויים הנעלים. (לקו"ש ח"י וירא א')

In this week's Sicha, the Rebbe ends with a promise that if we are not satisfied with our accomplishments and continue to soar ever higher, then we are assured the highest revelations from Hashem.

This is our mandate. Though we have seen incredible growth, as individuals in our personalized lives, and as a community of learners, we are growing, the Shiurim and resources are expanding, we shall not stop and not rest until the world is filled with Likkutei Sichos.

The project began this past Yud Shvat. There are 3 months till Yud Shevat. Ask yourself: How many Sichos can you learn? How many people can you inspire to learn? Make yourself a goal, and work on it.

We can do it, and the "promise" is waiting for us!

Team Project Likkutei Sichos
ומלאה הארץ לקוטי שיחות
This week's Sichos
Chelek Yud, Sicha Vayera Alef, Vayera Beis
חלק י • וירא • שיחה א
וירא ה' אל אברהם
The 2 phases in Avraham's Avoda: Before the Bris Mila, Lech Lecha - a systematic journey "to yourself," one that reached only to his source; and after the Bris Mila, Vayera, a revelation of G-dliness that is from way beyond his source.
חלק י • וירא • שיחה ב
ויגש אברהם
A Rashi Sicha discussing the various meaning of "Vayigash," and why it cannot simply mean "approach." A powerful lesson in utilizing all possible means when it comes to helping another.
Feature of the Week.  Chelek 10, Vayera 1 - Rabbi Naftali Silberberg - Sicha Discourse.
We would like to congratulate Sichos in English -- our partners in producing the English translations of the Sichos -- who are about to release a brand new volume of newly translated Sichos. Click here to read more and order your own copy.
Sichos Checklist - Keep Track of Your Learning Checklist
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Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
נוסד לכבוד י׳ שבט שבעים שנה.
לע״נ החסיד ר׳ אהרן ב״ר יהושע שניאור זלמן סערעבריאנסקי ע״ה
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