Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual. | | March 10, 2021 - 26 Adar 5781 News from the Agudah:
- Tomorrow, Thursday, March 11, there will be an international tefillah gathering organized in light of the ongoing pandemic. Organizers of this effort, which has the support of many members of our Moetzes, requested us to share this. See below for more information.
- "How different they were, those pupils of Sarah Shenirer's Beth Jacob schools. I saw them in the ghettoes of Lodz and Warsaw. I saw how they secretly maintained schools, kitchens for children and youth groups. I saw how they starved and carried food to Jews who were ill and to lonely Talmidei Chachomim. I saw them studying Mishlei and Chovas Halevovos, in times when others could no longer think about anything other than bread. I saw how they felt the sorrow of the community, when others proved incapable of seeing more than their own "I"." Were pleased to share an article on Sarah Shenirer on the occasion of her 86th yahrtzeit, written by R' Joseph Friedenson for the Jewish Observer in 1964. See below to continue reading.
- We were saddened to hear of the petirah of HaRav Yachezkel Roth zt'l, Rav Roth was a strong supporter of Chayim Aruchim's activities, and we share below a nichum aveilim notice l'zecher nishmaso. Yehi zichro boruch.
- Between now and Pesach, we will be having special shiurim in honor of Pesach - please see below for this weeks full schedule, and we hope you'll join! The Pesach series of shiurim will be archived here:
| | Sarah Shenirer: The Mother of Generations | | Click here or on the image below to read the full article. | | HaRav Yachezkel Roth zt'l | | The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows: | | | | | | |
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