Monday, April 26, 2021

Fwd: 馃挜 Partners With Chayenu 馃挜

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Date: Mon, Apr 26, 2021, 9:09 AM
Subject: 馃挜 Partners With Chayenu 馃挜
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Project Likkutei Sichos is very pleased to announce a new partnership with the premier English language Torah weekly, Chayenu. Through the commitment that Chayenu has made to this endeavor, Chayenu will feature thorough summaries of the weekly sichos in the new Chayus publication, a branch of Chayenu geared for Anash shuls, and will soon expand publication to the Chayenu app and the printed edition of Chayenu. Along with the recent addition of Hebrew translations of the weekly sichos to the Dvar Malchus weekly publication, the opportunity for anyone to engage and learn the weekly sichos is only growing.

The summaries provide a detailed overview of the essential points of the sicha, and have proven to be an invaluable resource for those aiming to study the weekly sichos. Daniel, a participant in Project Likkutei Sichos, wrote: "I usually learn the sicha with the English translation, but I get lost when I don't understand what's going on. When I read the summary, either before or after learning the sicha, I have a better understanding of what is going on. Thank you so much."

The summaries were written by Rabbi Menachem Feldman, Shliach in Greenwich, CT, and are being translated by Rabbi Eli Block, Shliach in Plano, TX. They are edited by Rabbi Eliezer Robbins of Toronto.

Project Likkutei Sichos is honored to partner with the team of Chayenu in this effort to bring the consistent and united study of the Rebbe's Torah to thousands of yidden worldwide. For a free download of the weekly Chayus publication or to register for the WhatsApp broadcast, visit To sign up for Project Likkutei Sichos, visit
Team Project Likkutei Sichos
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Download the app from the App Store, or Google Play. 
Dedicated by Rabbi Shloimy and Mirele Greenwald
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