Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 23 Iyar 5781/May 5, 2021

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Wed, May 5, 2021, 6:11 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 23 Iyar 5781/May 5, 2021
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Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
May 5, 2021 - 23 Iyar 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction against Jackson Township today, bringing the Agudah's ongoing lawsuit one step closer to victory. See below for more details.

  • Tomorrow! The Agudah Voting Project will be holding a virtual forum with the candidates for Brooklyn Boro President, see below for more information and to sign up.

  • Check out this interview from the Hamodia with Mrs. Chana Laniado, director of Yahalom, Agudah's New Jersey office's new resource center for special-needs families. If someone you know can use their services, please have them reach out Mrs. Chana Laniado at 848-285-8444

  • The Iyunim B'hilchos Shabbos will continue this week. See below for this week's schedule.

  • Lastly, we regret the error! R' Moshe Sherer z'l was niftar in 1998 not 1989 we apologize for the typo.
Victory! Agudath Israel Wins Preliminary Injunction Against Jackson Township
In the latest development in Agudath Israel's four-year legal battle, a federal judge granted a preliminary injunction against Jackson Township, NJ's discriminatory and unconstitutional ordinances banning of yeshivos, dormitories, and interpretation of zoning laws prohibiting eruvin today. While a final ruling on the merits awaits, the receipt of a preliminary injunction is a strong statement by the court, considered an extraordinary form of relief in the legal system.

In discussing the religious significance of schools, dormitories and eruvin, the ruling relied extensively on the testimony of Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudah's New Jersey Office, and members of Jackson's Orthodox community. The court also cited acrimonious statements some residents of Jackson have expressed toward Orthodox Jews and noted, "Defendants maintain that the Township Council's decisions were not motivated by anti-Semitic animus exhibited by others. But the record suggests otherwise."

Rabbi Schnall noted that while the Agudah prefers not to resort to suing a government entity, this case was important not only for the many Jewish residents of Jackson Township, but for Jewish residents nationwide. As the latest legal victory for religious communities, this case sets an important legal precedent against discriminatory laws designed to keep Orthodox Jews out.

"This verdict is a tremendous step forward," said Rabbi Schnall. "The judge made it clear that ordinances that are drafted with the intent of hampering the growth of a religious community are unconstitutional and this long awaited ruling will allow the growing Orthodox population in Jackson to freely exercise their religious rights."
The Future of Brooklyn
 A virtual forum with the candidates for Brooklyn Boro President
Tomorrow, May 6th at 4:00 PM EST, join a virtual forum with the candidates for Brooklyn Boro President, Robert Cornegy, City Council Member, Khari Edwards, Former Vice President, Brookdale Hospital, Mathieu Eugene, City Council Member, Antonio Reynoso, City Council Member, and Joanne Simon, Assembly Member, hosted by the Agudah Voting Project in conjunction with the Flatbush Community Coalition. Click here or on the image above to register.
Iyunim B'hilchos Shabbos
The shiurim will continue this week with the access information as follows:

The Zoom access link is and the call in number is 1-646-558-8656, access code: 835-286-77424.
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