Friday, November 3, 2023

Fw: [-aneinu] Hilchos Shabbos Initiative

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From: "'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu" <>
To: "Chaya Miriam Wolper" <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 3, 2023 at 3:04 PM
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Hilchos Shabbos Initiative

Congregation Khal Chasidim




While in order to permit carrying on Shabbos, there must be the construct of an inclusive reshus hayachid, typically constructed through multiple tzuros hapesach, that alone is insufficient.

The concept upon which our contemporary eiruvin permit carrying, and indeed the true definition of an "eiruv," is based upon a number of private residences sharing or "mixing together" (the true definition of "eiruv") a seudah (typically consisting of a box of matzah) situated in one of the residences within the reshus hayachid, and accessible to everyone sharing said reshus hayachid. The specifics upon which the kashrus of the eiruv is dependent are discussed in Siman 366-371.

Specifically, someone must be zoche in the "eiruv" on behalf of all the residents who will be included within the area, who must be able to access the eiruv which must consist of an efible seudah, the concept being that through a common seudah, there is a shared interest in the area surrounded by the requisite tzuras hapesach, thereby creating an extended reshus hayachid to permit carrying within. While many of the specifics are discussed in the aforementioned simanim, other prerequisites are involved which will be discussed further in forthcoming simanim

These and all related halachos must be (and typically are) addressed in citywide eiruvin, which of course require competent halachic approval in order to permit carrying within.

Gut Shabbos!

Congregation Khal Chasidim
6757 N. Richmond 
Chicago, IL 60645

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