Thursday, July 11, 2024

Fwd: The 90% Question; Am Yisrael's Response to Crisis; When to Keep Shabbat in Hawaii

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Date: Thu, Jul 11, 2024, 6:40 PM
Subject: The 90% Question; Am Yisrael's Response to Crisis; When to Keep Shabbat in Hawaii
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PLUS: In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 terror attacks, the American Jewish community experienced a level of cohesion that it had not seen in decades.
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July 12-13, 2024 / 7 Tammuz 5784

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As Israel-Hamas War Drags on, Post-Oct. 7 Unity Fades
As Israel-Hamas War Drags on, Post-Oct. 7 Unity Fades
Orthodox Union

In the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 terror attacks, the American Jewish community experienced a level of cohesion that it had not seen in decades. With exceedingly few exceptions, Jewish organizations from across the political and religious spectrum — from AIPAC to J Street, from URJ to Agudath Israel of America — came together in solidarity with Israel and support for the start of its war against Hamas in Gaza. But nine months on, the divisions between many of these organizations are beginning to show. Writing in Jewish Action, EVP Rabbi Moshe Hauer laid out the organization's red lines that would render a group ineligible as an advocacy partner.

Rabbi Hauer Discusses His Article with EJewish Philanthropy
Read the Jewish Action Article
Am Yisraels Response to Crisis
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
Am Yisrael's Response to Crisis

Klal Yisrael is experiencing a period of enormous difficulty as Israel is surrounded by active threats and Jews everywhere face growing antisemitism. We are fearful of what the immediate future holds.

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The 90% Question
Maury Litwack
The 90% Question

Someone once said that you don't understand politics until you've been defeated; then all the mysteries become apparent.

Read in JNS
My Grandmother's Candlesticks: Judaism & Feminism
OU Press
My Grandmother's Candlesticks: Judaism & Feminism

In this memoir about the transmission of Jewish tradition through the vicissitudes of the generations, Diane Schulder Abrams tells her story as a pioneering feminist legal scholar whose journey back to Jewish observance was illuminated by the warm glow of her grandmother's candlesticks.

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Women's Initiative Lech Knos
Women's Initiative
Women's Initiative Lech K'nos

Join in gathering women in communities around the world to present prepared Tehillim resources and video inspiration by Mrs. Dina Schoonmaker, Mrs. Yael Davidowitz and Mrs. Hadas Lowenstern.

Organize a Gathering in Your Community
Educational Trip Links Jewish High Schools and Israeli Universities
Educational Trip Links Jewish High Schools and Israeli Universities

Discover how the Tzemach David Educational Foundation and JLIC are forging new pathways for Jewish high school students by connecting high school guidance counselors with top Israeli universities.

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What's the Truth about . . . the Parah Adumah?
Jewish Action
What's the Truth about . . . the Parah Adumah?

MISCONCEPTION: The person who sprinkles the ashes of a parah adumah ("red heifer") on a tamei (ritually impure) person becomes tamei himself.

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Rabbi YY Jacobson: How Did the Rebbe Revolutionize Judaism?
Rabbi YY Jacobson: How Did the Rebbe Revolutionize Judaism?

In this episode of the 18Forty podcast, renowned Chabad speaker Rabbi YY Jacobson talks about Chassidus, Chabad, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Listen on the 18Forty Podcast
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When to Keep Shabbos in Hawaii
When to Keep Shabbos in Hawaii

The International Meridian Conference didn't put the International Date Line where Chazal imply it is. So, when should one keep Shabbos in Hawaii? Find out with Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz! Plus… Rabbi Shalom Rosner on borer (selecting), The Concise Code on Shabbos bathing, and more!

When to Keep Shabbos in Hawaii – Listen Now More on L'Kadsho HALACHA YOMIS: What are the halachic ramifications of a storm on Shabbos?
The Voice of Yaakov in a Violent World
Rabbi Moshe Hauer
The Voice of Yaakov in a Violent World

As Jews, we are characterized by the kol Yaakov, the voice of Yaakov that is distinguished by both the spiritual power of prayer and the use of pleasant and persuasive speech.

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The Parah Adumah and Yom Kippur
Rabbi Menachem Genack
The Parah Adumah and Yom Kippur

What is the meaning behind the mysterious connections between the parah adumah and the Yom Kippur service?

Read in Hebrew
The Legacy of Leadership
Rebbetzin Dr. Adina Shmidman
The Legacy of Leadership

Yiftach, in his role as judge and warrior, provides us with profound insights into leadership and the respect due to those who are in positions of authority.

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My, How Time Flies
Rabbi Shmuel Goldin
My, How Time Flies

What happened to the bulk of the forty-year period of wilderness wandering? Why do all the wilderness years pass without any comment in the text at all – without, in fact, even a note that they have passed?

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Is Rashi Responsible for Jewish Division?
Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
Is Rashi Responsible for Jewish Division?

Who divided the Jewish people into different cultural groups, and what would it take to get us all back to the way we're "supposed" to be? A fascinating real-life Q&A!

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The Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael
Rabbi Dr. Yitzchak Breitowitz
The Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael

Are we obligated to make aliyah? Is it responsible to encourage others to do so? An important installment of Rabbi Dr. Breitowitz's acclaimed halacha series from OU Israel!

Listen Now
Descartes' Error
Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l
Descartes' Error

There have been many interpretations of the chukim throughout the ages. In light of recent neuroscience, we can suggest that they are laws designed to bypass the prefrontal cortex, the rational brain, and create instinctive patterns of behavior.

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Discovering Our Mortality
Rabbi Dr. Tzvi Hersh Weinreb
Discovering Our Mortality

It was at a house of mourning, and she was saying something that I had heard many times before. In fact, I had said it myself when I was sitting shiva for my own mother.

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Can you figure out what these three things have in common?
Orthodox Union
Can you figure out what these three things have in common?
Watch on Instagram
What should I do if I used a dairy utensil in my pareve pot?

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