received the following update on Rachel bat Levana, a toddler in Israel:
Please Daven
Recently, Rachel got a bit of sensation in 2 of her fingertips. I believe that the spots on her body have healed, but I'm not positive. Unfortunately, she has other serious issues as well, but I am not privy to them. Any tefillot that can be said on her behalf will go a long way towards her healing." Please daven and say tehillim for her recovery.
From last March 2019:
Update - Rachel bat Levana
Please daven for a one year old whose fingers have turned black/gangrenous. "Thank G-d her palms are much better. Her fingertips are another story. 3 have been saved, but the others not. The doctor thinks they will fall off on their own, and that there's a slight chance they might regrow over time. He doesn't know for sure. When she is older, she will hopefully have the option of transplantation. Hashem Yishmor!" Please daven and say tehillim that they arrest the disease and stabilize her.
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