Sunday, January 12, 2020

FW: [Aneinu] Please join Tehillim WhatsApp for Mark Pomerance

1/9/20, 8:03 PM - Messages to this group are now secured with end-to-end encryption. Tap for more info.
1/9/20, 4:02 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269 created group "YaakovChaimMoshebenFraida"
1/9/20, 8:03 PM - You joined using this group's invite link
1/9/20, 8:06 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Next chapter is 10
1/9/20, 8:19 PM - Marc Pomerance: This is Suzie. I'll do
1/9/20, 8:19 PM - +1 (847) 840-3504: 13, 14
1/9/20, 8:20 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: 15
1/9/20, 8:26 PM - Marc Pomerance: 16
1/9/20, 8:29 PM - +1 (773) 398-6959 joined using this group's invite link
1/9/20, 8:34 PM - +1 (773) 816-8080 joined using this group's invite link
1/9/20, 8:44 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Next chapter is 17
1/9/20, 8:46 PM - Hilary Kahn: 17
1/9/20, 8:46 PM - +1 (773) 398-6959: 18
1/9/20, 9:34 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: 19,20
1/9/20, 9:42 PM - +1 (718) 500-9452: 21
1/9/20, 10:23 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914 joined using this group's invite link
1/9/20, 10:28 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Next chapter is 22
1/9/20, 10:30 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: 22
1/9/20, 10:42 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: 23
1/9/20, 11:42 PM - +1 (718) 245-8940: We said chapter 4 & 51
1/9/20, 11:43 PM - +1 (718) 245-8940: 24
1/9/20, 11:44 PM - +1 (718) 245-8940: 25
1/10/20, 8:06 AM - +1 (718) 500-9452: 26 thru 30
1/10/20, 8:10 AM - +1 (773) 875-9147: 31
1/10/20, 8:13 AM - +1 (773) 817-9914: 32
1/10/20, 8:39 AM - +1 (347) 420-2055 joined using this group's invite link
1/10/20, 8:41 AM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Next chapter is 33
1/10/20, 8:42 AM - +1 (773) 817-9914: 33
1/10/20, 9:26 AM - +1 (347) 420-2055: 34
1/10/20, 11:56 AM - +1 (847) 682-9313 joined using this group's invite link
1/10/20, 11:57 AM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Next chapter is 35
1/10/20, 12:14 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: Please explain how this works
1/10/20, 12:15 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: 36
1/10/20, 12:16 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: Do we each take a chapter and say it daily? Do we take a few?
1/10/20, 12:16 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: You say the next chapter, so now it's 37.
1/10/20, 12:17 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: Say every day the same one or we just keep going through all day.
1/10/20, 12:17 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: Just do the next one in order. Post which one you're saying. I'm doing 36 in a second.
1/10/20, 12:17 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: I’ll do 37
1/10/20, 12:18 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: You keep going.
1/10/20, 12:24 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: 38 and 39
1/10/20, 12:25 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: You can just write the number or numbers like I did.
1/10/20, 12:49 PM - +1 (718) 500-9452: If possible the goal minimally should be to collectively complete 300, i.e. saying the book of Tehillim twice, as a special segulah for Refuah, as per Rav Aharon Soloveichik.
1/10/20, 2:35 PM - Hilary Kahn: 40
1/10/20, 4:11 PM - +1 (347) 420-2055: 41-50
1/11/20, 6:24 PM - +1 (718) 500-9452: 51
1/11/20, 6:33 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: 52
1/11/20, 6:33 PM - +1 (217) 637-9008: Please add +1 (773) 318-8422
1/11/20, 6:34 PM - +1 (217) 637-9008: Any updates on Mark's condition?
1/11/20, 6:36 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: They need to be on WhatsApp as it doesn't appear in the search.
Here is a link you can send to them
, 6:36 PM - +1 (718) 500-9452: ðŸ'ðŸ»
1/11/20, 6:47 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: Mark is on this WhatsApp and you can text him directly.
1/11/20, 7:03 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Mark said that he really appreciates everybody's tehillim and davening for him. He is now in room 5982 at Evanston hospital in the stroke unit.
1/11/20, 7:03 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: He did some walking today
1/11/20, 7:20 PM - +1 (347) 420-2055: BH! More good news bezH!
1/11/20, 7:23 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Amen!
1/11/20, 7:40 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269 added +1 (224) 282-6674
1/11/20, 7:40 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: Next chapter is 53
1/11/20, 8:11 PM - +1 (773) 398-6959: 53
1/11/20, 8:15 PM - +1 (773) 817-9914: I'm glad he's doing better, BH.
1/11/20, 8:28 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: 54-65
1/11/20, 8:42 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: 66-67
1/11/20, 8:58 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: 68-73
1/11/20, 9:05 PM - +1 (773) 318-8422 joined using this group's invite link
1/11/20, 9:10 PM - +1 (847) 682-9313: We are up to 74
1/11/20, 9:30 PM - +1 (224) 282-6674: 74,75,76
1/11/20, 9:31 PM - +1 (847) 840-4269: 77
1/11/20, 10:11 PM - Hilary Kahn: 78
1/12/20, 11:24 AM - Hilary Kahn: 79

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note10+.

-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 1/12/20 11:44 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Please join Tehillim WhatsApp for Mark Pomerance

Mark Pomerance,Yaakov Chaim Moshe ben Fraida is in the hospital due to a stroke, a complication of cancer.

Please join this WhatsApp tehillim group
Tizku lmitzvos

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