Thursday, February 13, 2020

FW: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Parshas Yisro Ibn Ezra

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-------- Original message --------
From: Rabbi Tal Zwecker <>
Date: 2/13/20 3:11 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: beermayimchaim <>
Subject: {Be'er Mayim Chaim} Parshas Yisro Ibn Ezra

As a zechus for the Rebbe who needs our tefilos
האדמו"ר רבי יצחק אייזיק בן חיה אסתר שליט"א בתושח"י
please daven for the rebbe Yitzchok Isaac Ben Chaya Esther

Parshas Yisro
There is a well known idea from the Ibn Ezra:
The Torah prohibition of Lo Sachmod – do not covet is a difficult and
puzzling mitzvah to understand. How can you command someone to control
natural feelings? If we see something we want and desire, even if it
happens to be owned by someone else we naturally covet and desire
that. So how can the Torah tell us not to?
The Ibn Ezra answers that the feelings to desire and covet only apply
to things that are the same or similar like us, things that are
attainable by us.
For example a simple villager does not covet the royal princess
because he knows her high station is so far above him that he will
never be able to attain her ever. She is therefore unlike him to the
degree that he cannot have true covetous desire for her (maybe only in
fantasy but that would seemingly not be lo sachmod).
When the princess arrives then all the minister arrive to gaze at her
beauty to court her. The villager also arrives to see her but he has
no chance at her hand so he does not desire to court her knowing she
is not on his level, she is unattainable.
Based on this, the Ibn Ezra explains that we must distance any object
of our desire so that we do not covet things that do not belong to us,
since they are not of the same kind as we are.


Kol Tuv,
R' Tal Moshe Zwecker
Director Machon Be'er Mayim Chaim Publishing
Chassidic Classics in the English Language
in Israel: 972-58-322-1218 (sorry no sms)
If I am in the USA 516-388-8814 ( sms yes)
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