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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 9/23/22 12:33 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Gut G'bentched Yor! Please say your Tehillim this Shabbos
Dear Aneinu Members,
As we prepare to leave 5782 behind and embrace 5783, there is a feeling of anticipation, and trepidation. We have so many hopes for the new year, and so many unknowns. We are leaving behind a shmittah year in which more farmers than ever kept the mitzvah of shmittah, a tremendous zchus for Am Yisroel. It was a year in which we saw Klal Yisroel rally around the Jews of Ukraine as it came under attack, working tirelessly to provide food, water, shelter, and medical support as millions fled their homes for safety. It was a year of many, many painful losses, most notably, the Prince of Torah, the Gadol Hador, HaGaon HaRav Chaim Kanievsky, zt"l. In the words of HaRav Moshe Shternbuch, "HaRav Chaim's death is more difficult for Am Yisroel than the Churban Beis Hamikdash." Powerful words. It was soon after Harav Chaim's petirah that we watched in shock as horrific terror attacks occurred in Bnei Brak and Elad, and the list of attacks goes on and on.
Our world seems to grow more chaotic and unstable with each passing day. Iran continues to threaten to destroy Israel, crime and inflation are increasing, and in a dramatic escalation of tensions between Russia and Nato countries, Putin has declared his willingness to use nuclear weapons if Ukraine continues its offensive operations. However, the war that causes the most consternation in the Jewish world, is the attack on our yeshivos by the state of NY who shockingly has decided that local school boards should regulate the curriculums of private religious schools. This is not only a war against our yeshivos, this is a war against the Ribbono Shel Olam, the Master of the World.
As we enter a post shmittah year, we read with hope and longing the Gemara in Sanhedrin 97, "In Motzei Shviis, the son of David will come." We have to wonder, if, chas v'shalom, Mashiach doesn't come, where will the world be next Rosh Hashana? Ani Maamin b'emunah shlema b'vias HaMashiach, v'af al pi sheyismameah im kol zeh achakeh lo b'chol yom sheyavo. I believe with complete faith in the coming of the Mashiach, and even though he may delay, nevertheless I anticipate every day that he will come. Those are our marching orders. No matter what happens, we will continue to strengthen our emunah and our bitachon. We will continue to serve Hashem to the best of our abilities, becoming the best ovdei Hashem, servants of Hashem, that we can be. We know that everything that happens to us on a world level, a community level, and in our personal lives, is all being orchestrated by Hashem for our benefit. It is all to help us grow, and to prepare us, and the world, for the ultimate redemption. We trust that no matter how bumpy the ride, the destination will be absolutely awesome, beyond our wildest imaginations.
Our organization is called Aneinu. Answer us. We plead with Hashem to answer our tefillos. But, for Zisa Zimmerman Aneinu, it means so much more. When a community member is in need, the people on this email listserve rise to the occasion and answer that need. Whether it be a need for tefillos for a choleh, or someone in need of a ride to the doctor, baby formula, shopping, moving boxes, cereal, a gown for a simcha, something brought to Montreal or Lakewood. The list is endless. It is only because of your love of chesed and desire to help another Jew, that this organization is able to accomplish so much. You have so much to be proud of!
Thank you all for your Tehillim and tefillos on behalf of the cholim in our community and in other communities. You have literally saved lives.
I want to take this opportunity to ask for mechila from all of you for any mistakes I may have made while managing this list. There are times when I have to make difficult decisions regarding adding names to the refoeinu list, and it pains me when I have to tell someone that a choleh does not meet the criteria. Sometimes there are gray areas, and I just have to do the best that I can.
Please forgive me if I hurt or offended anyone. If I did it was certainly by mistake and not intentional, chas v'shalom. Managing this list has been and continues to be a real learning experience for me, and has been very humbling.
I look forward to sharing another year with all of you! I hope with all of my heart that it will be a year of besoros tovos, refuos and yeshuos for all of you and for Klal Yisroel. You and your families should be blessed with good health. Those in need of a shidduch should find their bashert and those waiting for children should be blessed with many. Those with children should see much nachas from them. You should all be blessed with shalom bayis and abundant parnassa, menuchas hanefesh and simchas hachaim. I look forward to dancing with you in Yerushalayim as we celebrate the rebuilding of the magnificent third Bais Hamikdash when Hashem brings Mashaich and the geulah shlema. May it be very soon.
Ksiva v'chasima tova,
Chaya Miriam
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