Wednesday, October 28, 2020

FW: [aneinu] All Recordings L'iluy Nishmas Rus Chaya Moriah bas Aryeh Levy Yosef

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 10/28/20 10:08 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] All Recordings L'iluy Nishmas Rus Chaya Moriah bas  Aryeh Levy Yosef

Here are all of the recordings thus far from "The Secret to Miraculous Salvations" series 
L'iluy Nishmas Rus Chaya Moriah bas  Aryeh Levy Yosef

The Bitachon teleconference for women is Monday thru Thursday at 9 PM Chicago time/ 10 PM EST
L'iluy Nishmas Rus Chaya Moriah bas  Aryeh Levy Yosef.
The class starts with some Tehillim and then we'll be going through the sefer "The Secret to Miraculous Salvations" compiled by Mrs. Chana Toby Friedman, author of Purity of Speech and Daughters of Dignity as well as many others. This sefer is based on many different sources (Ohr Hachaim, Ramchal, Nefesh Hachaim etc) that speak about attaining simcha and bitachon in a way which can bring about incredible yeshuos l'maalah miderech hatevah. The sefer includes practical exercises to increase genuine simcha and bitachon. There are 42 lessons total. Each night we will Be"H read one lesson.
Call: (712) 770-4926
Access Code: 362481

Lesson 26: "Chizuk in Every Situation"

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