Monday, October 26, 2020

FW: [chicago-aneinu] Important Message From Rabbi Plotnik

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From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 10/26/20 12:05 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Important Message From Rabbi Plotnik

The following is a response from Rabbi Henoch Plotnik answering a question I posed regarding women saying Tehillim alone at home as part of a group effort. According to the Chida, if women are together in a room and complete Sefer Tehillim it is as if each woman has said the complete Sefer Tehillim herself. But now we have to divide up the Tehillim and say it alone at home. How are we credited for all of this Tehillim?

The Answer:

I cannot claim to be proficient in the writings or kavanos of the holy Chida. However I can tell you that the mishna in Pirkei Avos teaches us that the Shechinah is not limited to a minyan exclusively, but even when one is sitting all alone he/she is capable of bringing the Shechinah in. I have pointed out in various talks I gave during the first breakout Pesach time, that it is not coincidental that the author of that mishna is Rav Chanina ben Tradyon,whom the Gemara tells us, lived when the Romans outlawed learning Torah in groups. He was perhaps giving over a message of hope for ALL generations that are doomed to the fate of not having access to a tzibbur-you can accomplish so much even by yourself. You as an individual can also bring the Shechinah to your own home.
We will never know how in Shomayim our semi-public tefilos are being calculated. But this is the gezeirah of the time. We can only do our best, Hashem will take our sincere efforts as far as they are entitled to go. I would venture they go very far, given the challenges and purity of heart all the Tehillim "zuggers" are maintaining during this trying era.

Pass along this message,I believe it is what we need to hear.

All the best,
Rabbi Plotnik

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