Sunday, February 20, 2022

FW: [-aneinu] Free Face Masks and Self-Test Kits This TUESDAY

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-------- Original message --------
From: 'Chicago Aneinu' via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 2/20/22 12:00 AM (GMT-06:00)
To: Chicago Aneinu <>
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Free Face Masks and Self-Test Kits This TUESDAY

CORRECTION: Free Face Masks and Self-Test Kits This TUESDAY

CORRECTION: Free Face Masks and Self-Test Kits This TUESDAY

FREE Face Masks and COVID-19 Test Kits

Tuesday, February 22
6 PM - 8 PM, while supplies last
50th Ward Office - 2949 W. Devon

Open to all 50th Ward residents. One per household. Bring an ID that shows residency.
Dear Neighbor,

I am giving out free KN-95 masks and COVID-19 self-test kits to all 50th Ward residents. Come to my office (2949 W. Devon) this Tuesday, February 22 from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., while supplies last.

The masks and self-tests are packaged in safety kits, which will be distributed one per household. Each safety kit includes five KN-95 masks, two COVID-19 self-tests, and hand sanitizer.


The safety kits will be distributed one per houshold to local residents. Please bring an ID which shows 50th Ward residency.

Public safety is my chief priority and I want to make sure everyone in our community has the equipment they need to stay safe. I hope to see you at my office on Tuesday.


Debra L. Silverstein
Alderman, 50th Ward
Address: 2949 W. Devon Avenue
Phone: 773-262-1050
Fax: 773-381-2970
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Alderman Debra Silverstein
2949 W. Devon
Chicago, Illinois 60659

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