What are the sheish mitzvos temidios?
| | There are sheish mitzvos temidios--six constant mitzvos--which a person is always obligated to fulfill. They are: 1) The obligation to believe that Hashem created the world, that He is the sole sustainer of the world, that He was always and will be forever, that He took us out of Mitzrayim and that He gave us the Torah. 2) The prohibition against believing in any power other than Hashem. 3) The mitzvah to believe in the oneness of Hashem. 4) The mitzvah to love Hashem. One who fixates on earthly and frivolous matters transgresses this commandment. 5) The mitzvah to always maintain a fear of Heaven. 6) The prohibition against straying after one's eyes and heart.
[ביה"ל א, א ד"ה הוא] | | |
What is the method to achieve ahavas Hashem?
| | One of the above-mentioned mitzvos is ahavas Hashem. This mitzvah, sourced in the verse v'ahavta es Hashem, is achieved through intense Torah study. When this pasuk is said during Kriyas Shema, one should arouse in his heart a feeling of love for Hakodosh Boruch Hu. If this is difficult to achieve during Kriyas Shema, one should think of ahavas Hashem at least once a day after davening. As is the case with certain other mitzvos, this should preferably be done before eating.
[ביה"ל א, א ד"ה הוא; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 17] | | |
Must one wash his hands if he wakes up in the middle of the night?
| | Upon waking in the morning, a person mush wash netilas yadayim. Ideally, this should be done even before getting out of bed. Certainly, a person should not walk more than four amos before washing his hands. If washing would divert him from tending to his bodily needs (and thereby cause him to transgress bal tishoktzu), he should take care of his needs first and then wash his hands. One who does not have water nearby should walk as fast as he can to get water and wash. One who arises in the middle of the night but plans to go back to sleep does not need to wash his hands. Some say that it is proper to be stringent and wash even in this case.
[[משנ"ב א, ב; ביאורים ומוספים דרשו, 4-3 | | - According to the strict halacha, a person may get married on Purim and combine the seudas chasunah with the seudas Purim. L'chatchilah, though, it is inappropriate to do so because one should not combine two different happy occasions.
- There is a longstanding custom to dress up in costumes on Purim. Rema quotes a custom for men to dress up in women's clothing. He explains that this is not a transgression of the prohibition of lo silbash (wearing clothing of the opposite gender), since the garments are merely being worn in jest and not for a typical purpose.
- During a leap year, Tachanun and Lamenatzeach are omitted on the fourteenth and fifteenth of Adar Rishon. Al Hanisim, however, is not added to the tefillos and bentching.
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- What is the most effective way to deal with people who disparage avodas Hashem?
- Which mitzvos should be done privately?
- Should Modeh Ani be said upon arising from a daytime nap?
| | PLEASE NOTE: The information in this email is for learning purposes only. Please review the Mishna Berura and Biurim U'Musafim before making a halachic decision. Hebrew words are occasionally transliterated to enable a smoother reading of the text. Common Ashkenazi pronunciation is generally used in these cases. | | | Daf Hayomi B'Halacha Shiur Rav Asher Eisenberger | Synopsis of Today's Halachos Rabbi Yerachmiel Garfield | | | Daf Hayomi B'Halacha Shiur - Yesterday's Limud - Rav Daniel Glatstein | | Daily Kinyan Chochma Shiur Rav Zev Smith | | | | | | |
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