Friday, November 29, 2024

Fw: A Guten Shabbos

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From: "Rabbi Levi Notik" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Fri, Nov 29, 2024 at 10:15 AM
Subject: A Guten Shabbos
A Guten Shabbos

This Week at F.R.E.E.
Candle Lighting
Candle Lighting Times for
Friday, Nov. 29
4:01 pm
Torah Portion: Toldot

F.R.E.E.Email: lnotik@obshina.comPhone:

Rabbi's Message
Message from the Rabbi
Dear Friends,

Along with the entire Jewish nation and upright people everywhere, we are pained and saddened by the shocking news of the vicious murder of Rabbi Zvi Kogan, a 28-year-old Chabad rabbi in the United Arab Emirates, by barbaric terrorists. Rabbi Kogan was murdered simply because he was a Jew, a member of the Chosen People, a Jew who cared deeply for his fellow Jews of all walks of life, and for all people.

So what can we do to honor his memory?

Young Rabbi Kogan dedicated his life to bringing kosher food to the Emirates. He was inspired by the call of the Rebbe, who launched the Kosher Campaign 50 years ago to spread kosher awareness and observance. In a video recorded just a few days before his passing, he proudly shared how he is importing foods from all over the world so people can keep kosher no matter where they are.

In the wake of his brutal murder at the hands of terrorists, let's join Jews all over the world in declaring the coming week a week of kosher—dedicated to increasing awareness of this important mitzvah.

Here's what that means:

If you don't yet keep kosher at home, for the next week (and hopefully you will continue beyond), choose one (or some, or all) of the following:


  • Eat a kosher meal at least once a day
  • Shop and eat only kosher food and kosher meat
  • Avoid mixing meat and dairy
  • Avoid non-kosher fish, such as shellfish , crab, eel, and other non-kosher seafood ( kosher fish is easy to find in most supermarkets)
  • If you eat out, choose only kosher restaurants
  • Spend a few minutes a day learning about the basics of keeping a kosher kitchen


If you do already keep kosher, perhaps consider upgrading your observance in the areas of pat Yisrael and chalav Yisrael , waiting between meat and milk , or wherever else you believe you have room to improve.

You can also sign up for a new three-part video course dedicated to the basics of keeping kosher.

With broken hearts but unbreakable spirit, we pray to G-d that our mitzvahs bring nachas to the holy soul of Rabbi Zvi ben Alexander Hakohen, and bring comfort to his devastated widow, grieving family, and shocked community.

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What's happening at Bubby Fira's Food Bank?

Every donation provides hope and nourishment.

Thank you to the volunteers!

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Jewish Humor

Moe Bloom had just picked up his first passenger of the evening. After about 5 minutes of driving, the passenger suddenly tapped Maurice on his shoulder to ask him a question. 
Maurice screamed, lost control of his taxi, nearly hit a bus, went up onto the pavement and stopped only inches from a shop window. 
For a second, everything went very quiet in the taxi, then Maurice said, "Look man, don't ever do that again. You scared the living daylights out of me." 
His passenger apologized and said, "I didn't realize that a little tap could scare you so much." 
Maurice replied, "Sorry, it's not really your fault. Today is only my second day as a cab driver - I've been driving hearses for the past 25 years."

This Week @
This Week @
Murder of Chabad Rabbi, Zvi Kogan
A Week of Kosher for Zvi
By the Numbers
10 Facts About Jewish Life in the UAE
The UAE is home to a thriving Jewish community, featuring Chabad-sponsored synagogues, summer camps, abundant opportunities for Jewish education, and kosher restaurants.
Your Questions
Is There a Concept of Clemency and Pardons in Jewish Law?
How does Judasiem define the power of a king? 
The Freeman Files
If G‑d Is Great, Why Is He So Fussy About Details?
If G‑d is everywhere, why can't He also be in your cottage cheese?
Parshah in a Nutshell

Parshat Toldot

The name of the Parshah, "Toldot," means "Generations" and it is found in Genesis 25:19.

Isaac and Rebecca endure twenty childless years, until their prayers are answered and Rebecca conceives. She experiences a difficult pregnancy as the " children struggle inside her"; Gd tells her that " there are two nations in your womb," and that the younger will prevail over the elder.

Esau emerges first; Jacob is born clutching Esau's heel. Esau grows up to be "a cunning hunter, a man of the field"; Jacob is "a wholesome man," a dweller in the tents of learning. Isaac favors Esau; Rebecca loves Jacob. Returning exhausted and hungry from the hunt one day, Esau sells his birthright (his rights as the firstborn) to Jacob for a pot of red lentil stew.

In Gerar, in the land of the Philistines, Isaac presents Rebecca as his sister, out of fear that he will be killed by someone coveting her beauty. He farms the land, reopens the wells dug by his father Abraham, and digs a series of his own wells: over the first two there is strife with the Philistines, but the waters of the third well are enjoyed in tranquility.

Esau marries two Hittite women. Isaac grows old and blind, and expresses his desire to bless Esau before he dies. While Esau goes off to hunt for his father's favorite food, Rebecca dresses Jacob in Esau's clothes, covers his arms and neck with goatskins to simulate the feel of his hairier brother, prepares a similar dish, and sends Jacob to his father. Jacob receives his father's blessings for "the dew of the heaven and the fat of the land" and mastery over his brother. When Esau returns and the deception is revealed, all Isaac can do for his weeping son is to predict that he will live by his sword, and that when Jacob falters, the younger brother will forfeit his supremacy over the elder.

Jacob leaves home for Charan to flee Esau's wrath and to find a wife in the family of his mother's brother, Laban. Esau marries a third wife—Machalath, the daughter of Ishmael.

Learn: Toldot in Depth
Browse: Toldot Parshah Columnists
Prep: Devar Torah Q&A for Toldot
Read: Haftarah in a Nutshell
Play: Toldot Parshah Quiz


Today's Quote
Today's Quote
You shall have no other gods before Me.
— Exodus 20:3

Chabad World News
Chabad World News

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