Thursday, October 15, 2020

FW: An Update from the Agudah

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-------- Original message --------
From: AGUDAH <>
Date: 10/15/20 10:21 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: An Update from the Agudah

October 15, 2020

Dear Community,

Ah gezunte vinter. We hope that you and your families had a meaningful and uplifting Yomim Noraim and Sukkos. May 5781 be a year of bracha, happiness and healing for our community, all of Klal Yisroel and the entire world! 

Please note that today is the last day to complete the 2020 Census. You can complete it by clicking here.

Additionally, please see below for important information on how you can vote from home, and for updates on our scholarship tax credit program and food programs.
We thank the community for the extra vigilance over Yom Tov. B'li ayin hara, we don't have any significant rise of cases to report. We hope and daven that cases stay down and that our schools, shuls, and lives can continue as normal as possible. 
Agudath Israel of Illinois joins the entire Chicago Community in mourning the tragic loss of R' Yoni Kohn z"l. R' Yoni lived a life committed to the amudei ha'olamTorah, avodah and gemilus chasadim. May his wife, children and the entire Kohn family be zoche to a nechama
As it has been a while since our last correspondence, please read this email in its entirety. It contains a comprehensive update of many important communal matters and information.

Rabbi Yitzchok Ehrman
Rabbi Yaakov Robinson
Rabbi Shlomo Soroka
 LAST CHANCE - Census Deadline Today! 

As the number of Covid-19 cases in Illinois has been trending upward, there have been concerns regarding the impact on in-person instruction at schools. Recent developments in New York have heightened some of those concerns. Agudah has been communicating regularly with the Governor's and Mayor's offices. The State has reassured us that as things currently stand, they are leaving these decisions up to local government and will not be mandating school closures. The City continues to work closely with us to ensure we can continue to operate safely, and as things currently stand, they are committed to helping us keep our schools open.

Voting is already underway in the 2020 Presidential Election, and your vote is important! There are many young adults traveling next week; bachurim returning to yeshiva, students going to school, and seminary girls flying to Eretz Yisrael. Early voting locations in all 50 wards of Chicago are now open, and all eligible boys and girls should make sure to vote before leaving. Even if you aren't yet registered, you can register and vote at any early voting location. 

Voting has never been easier for all Illinoisans. It takes seconds to order a ballot by mail that comes with a postage-paid return envelope, allowing voters to cast their ballot from the safety and comfort of their homes. Those who are concerned about mailing in their ballot can deposit it in one of the secure drop boxes found at every early voting location. 
To order your ballot online, if you live in Chicago, click here. 
If you live in Suburban Cook County (e.g. Skokie, Lincolnwood), click here.
Only registered voters can order a ballot by mail but registration is also a quick and easy process that you can do by clicking here. The deadline to register online is this Motzie Shabbos, October 18.   

If you have questions or need any assistance, you can call our office at 773-279-8400 or email 
The deadline to ensure your tax credit-eligible contributions will fund scholarships for the current school year is approaching. You can only participate if you have a MyTax account, which is easy to create but can take up to two weeks to be processed. Creating the account is free, safe, and does not obligate you to contribute anything.

If you need any assistance, please call us at 773-279-8400 or contact your school's STC coordinator.  

Many people think they don't pay taxes or don't realize how much they pay in state income tax. It's easy to find out how much you paid in state income tax last year by looking at page 1 of your Form IL-1040, step 5.

To learn more, call or email us, or talk to your tax professional.    


We are happy to share with you that The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that it is extending its free lunch and breakfast program for everyone under 18 to allow free meals to continue to be available to all children throughout the entire 2020-2021 school year!

Agudath Israel of Illinois recently spearheaded multiple efforts to assist the community with food and essentials throughout the pandemic and over Yom Tov - including Maot Chitim, the Wholesale Marketplace and KiwiKids Meals Boxes. If you benefited from any of these programs, please take a few moments to complete this survey. The information provided here will help us to determine additional methods of helping our community in the future

On Tuesday, October 13, Alderman Silverstein announced that Chicago Police had apprehended a person of interest in relation to last week's armed robberies and shootings, and that further arrests were expected. We are gratified to know that law enforcement is making progress on their investigation of violent crimes that have left us shaken and concerned. We are grateful to the dedicated officers of the Chicago Police Department who have been working this investigation and restoring our sense of security. 
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like to receive it in the future, please click here.

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