Thursday, October 15, 2020

Fwd: News From Agudas Yisroel 27 Tishrei 5781/October 15, 2020

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From: Agudath Israel of America <>
Date: Thu, Oct 15, 2020, 2:33 PM
Subject: News From Agudas Yisroel 27 Tishrei 5781/October 15, 2020
To: <>

Strengthening Torah Life. Advocating for the Community. Serving Each Individual.
October 15, 2020 - 27 Tishrei 5781
News from the Agudah:

  • We are living in difficult times. The pandemic has wrecked havoc on our community and our way of life. Now more than ever, we need to storm the gates of rachamim with awe-inspiring tefilos. Tonight, October 15, at 8:00 PM EDT, Agudath Israel is partnering to present a worldwide tehillim conference. See below for details on how to participate.

  • The deadline to complete the census is coming up! If you still have not completed the 2020 census, you can do so by visiting or calling 212-797-9000 ext 218. Make sure to enter the raffle after! See below for more information.

  • In exciting news for your daughters, Bnos Agudath Israel is delighted to introduce Bnos in Box. If Bnos in-person is not an option for your community, you can provide a virtual experience. Now, more than ever, it is important to keep a connection- see below for more information.

  • In case you missed it, click here to watch the latest B'Dibur Echad video.

  • As always, Agudath Israel urges all its constituents to maintain good health practices. Be sure to social distance, wear a facial covering, and get tested for COVID-19.  

Tehillim Conference
This event will take place tonight, October 15, at 8:00 PM EDT.
To participate, go to or call 718-298-2077 extension 40.
The results of the 2020 Census is how the US Federal Government determines how to allocate billions of dollars every year. 

Homeland Security grants for your shuls and schools, as well as programs for those struggling financially such as Unemployment Insurance have their funding in your community impacted based on the census results. 

The deadline to complete the census is Friday October 16th at 6am. 

Please encourage your friends and family to complete the census today. You can compete the census at or calling Aguda's Census hotline 212 797 9000 ext 218. 

If you have any questions you can call 212 797 9000 ext 218 or email

To provide an incentive for completing the census, the Agudah in conjunction with the BPJCC is having a raffle with a grand prize $2,500 details in the above flyer. 

For more info

Bnos in a Box
What's black and white and read by girls all over?

The super new story in each week's Bnos in a Box, of course.

Bnos in a Box started as a place filler last spring when Corona hit. When they couldn't meet their groups in person, Bnos leaders went virtual. They put together packets with an activity, nosh, and newsletter for their girls. The Bnosers picked it up on Friday for Shabbos afternoon.

"The girls did the activities, and some called us to tell us about it," remembers Shira N., a Bnos leader. "We gave those girls a shout-out in next week's box. We keep in touch and make them feel special." 

The concept quickly sprouted wings. Bnosers and their parents loved the idea. The boxes kept up the girls' connection to their Bnos leaders and gave structure and geshmak to long Shabbos afternoons.

By the end of the summer, there were 120 virtual Bnos groups across America!

And now, with a new Bnos season starting, Bnos in a Box is back and better than ever. The national Bnos Agudas Yisroel office will be sending a premade story and game to any chapter that wants to participate. It couldn't be easier to bring Bnos in a Box to your city or neighborhood.

"Even if you never had a Bnos chapter before, you could join Bnos by giving out Bnos in a Box," explains Mrs. Chana Baila Hass, National Director of Bnos Agudath Israel. "We still hear incredible feedback."

Mrs. Miriam P., a Bnos parent, agrees. "I can't tell you how much we appreciated the Bnos packets. They were so cute and well thought out and had a great message each week."

You can bring Bnos in a Box to your city for 5781! Please reach out to Mrs. Hass at or call 212-797-9000 ext. 330.
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