Monday, April 3, 2023

Fwd: Last Minute Pesach Inspiration and Prep

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From: YUTorah <>
Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2023, 9:02 AM
Subject: Last Minute Pesach Inspiration and Prep
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Pre-Pesach Mega Email

Yeshiva University

April 3-18 • Nissan 12-17

This learning on the site this week was sponsored:

by Stacie Rottenstreich in memory of David Rottenstreich. Dovid Chaim ben Zvi Akiva
by Barbie and Ira Taub in memory of Tom Widrich z'l, Tanchum ben Yaakov
by the Goldberg and Mernick Families in loving memory of the yahrzeit of Illean K. Goldberg, Chaya Miriam bas Chanoch
by Ann Arbesfeld and family in loving memory of Rabbi Hyman Arbesfeld, הרב חיים בן אברהם ע"ה
by Francine Lashinsky and Dr. Alexander & Meryl Weingarten in loving memory of Rose Lashinsky, Raizel bat Zimel, z'l, on the occasion of her yahrzeit on the 14th of Nisan and in honor of their children, Mark, Michael, Julie, Marnie and Michelle
by the Spira Family in memory of Dr. Thomas Spira, Chanoch ben Moshe Chaim

New This Week

Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman

History, Memory, and Identity on Seder Night

The annual Yahrtzeit shiur for Rav Yitzchak Elchonon Spektor zt"l and President Belkin zt"l

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Rabbi Eli Belizon

The Wrap of Your Life

How do we wrap matza and marror nowadays when matza is mid'oraysa and marror is d'rabbanan?

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Rabbi Reuven Brand

The Haggadah and Israel Today

The Haggada is a timeless text that has stayed with the Jewish people in multitudes of situations and histories, with eternal relevance. So what does the haggada tell us about our current reality and the modern State of Israel?

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Rabbi Tanchum Cohen

Gratitude, Perspective and Personal Connection

Is Matza supposed to remind us of our times as slaves or when we were taken out of slavery? Or maybe the gemara presents another approach?

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Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

The Nature of the Mitzvah of Daled Kosos

Are the four cups of wine at the seder an independent mitzvah, or just part of the structure of the seder?

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Rabbi Aryeh Lebowitz

Sweetness in the Slavery - The Message of Charoses

Is there something wrong with the item that is supposed to remind us about the terrible slavery in Mitzrayim is also the tastiest food on the table?

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Rabbi Michael Rosensweig

Exodus & Emunah: The Transformative Experience of Schechitas Korban Pesach

Commemorating the second yahrzeit of Rabbi Dr. Bernand Rosensweig זצ"ל

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Rabbi Etan Schnall

The Haggada as a Framework for Teaching the Principles of Emunah

The purpose of the seder is not just passing along our history, but rather to instill the fundamentals of what a Jew believes.

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Rabbi Moshe Weinberger

Pesach - The Birth of Optimism

Why does the haggadah start with questions of "Mah", what, and end with questions of "Mi", who?

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