Tuesday, February 27, 2007

insights for daf 18 from R Elefant

  1. interesting shilah chazan finishes shimone esra but forgets bircas kohanim 2 opinions 1some people say it wasnt said its to late 2 others say go back to ritze the question is bircas kohanim integeral part of tefillah or not
  2. Safas Emes proper speech is valuable 1when person careful not to use improper speech more proper 2person minimizes his speech 3 some one who thought out wwhat hes about to say his words are valuable
  3. parshas Zacor is diurisa from our gemara saying zacor pe see PY for how parshas zacor is dirabanan
  4. Malbim when you think something you will forget it but if you say it verbally you wont forget it