Saturday, November 30, 2019

Aneinu Please Daven for Little Girl Meningitis

Please daven for a cousin of a Chicagoan. ELIANA bat AVIVA is a little girl who is very ill in the hospital with viral meningitis. Her situation is critical. Please take a moment to daven on her behalf for a refuah shlaima b’karov bsoch sha'ar cholei Yisroel.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Fwd: Bring the Daf to Your Shabbos Table

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Date: Fri, Nov 29, 2019, 8:00 AM
Subject: Bring the Daf to Your Shabbos Table
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Dear Daf Yomi Participant,

We invite you to watch this two-minute video by Rabbi Mordechai Raizman, Executive Director of Associated Talmud Torahs (ATT) Chicago, discussing a valuable lesson we learn in Maseches Nidah to share at the Shabbos table.

The following Daf in Practice sample shiurim are being presented by Rabbi Yeshai Bane:

Nidah 33: Counting Five Days While Traveling East

Nidah 34: Are Non-Jews Really Zavim?

Nidah 35: The Search for Practical Relevance of Dam Tohar

Take care and have a wonderful Shabbos,

Moshe P. Schwed
Director, OU Daf Yomi Initiative


You are invited to pre-register for the ALL DAF app on:

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Thursday, November 28, 2019

Fwd: As Shown Tonight at the Agudah Convention

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As Shown Tonight at the Agudah Convention
Her Story, Our Story
Watch this Amazing Video By Clicking Here or on the Image Above!
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PARSHAS CHAYEI SARAH The Royal Treatment: Reciting A Bracha on the President By Bais HaVaad Halacha Center

Click here.

OU TORAH YU TORAH and NAALEH.COM Title Transference By Shira Smiles

Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein When Sarah Imenu dies at the beginning of Parshat Chayei Sarah, Avraham Avinu knows the place that would be the most dignified and honorable final resting place for his beloved wife, Meorat Hamachpelah/the Double cave belonging to Ephron the Hittite in the Land of Heth facing Hebron. The Torah goes into great detail describing not only the exact location, but especially the negotiations between Avraham and Ephron in front of all the Hittites for the purchase of the surrounding fields and trees as well as the cave itself. Besides the exorbitant price Avraham pays for the plot even though it was originally offered as a gift, the Torah records that the cave and the land and surrounding trees was confirmed/vayokom as Avraham’s purchase and then again, after Sara’s burial, once again vayokom/ confirms the estate as a burial site from the children of Heth.

VBM Divination and Prayer – The Story of Eliezer the Servant of Avraham By Harav Yaakov Medan ​

I. The Divination The incident involving Eliezer and his encounter with Rivka at the well was recorded in the Torah in its entirety twice in succession: It is written as it happened, and it is written again as it was reported by Eliezer to Betuel, Lavan, and their family at a meal in their home. Why was this lengthy repetition necessary? There are several possible answers to this question; we will discuss one of them.

VBM The Field and the Cave: Yitzchak in the Land By Rav Yoel Bin-Nun

Avraham’s Negotiations The negotiations between Avraham and Efron ben Tzochar the Hittite are rather peculiar. Avraham asks for a burial place and the Hittites offer him their choicest plots, but Avraham refuses, seeking the cave in Efron’s field. Efron offers the field as a gift, but Avraham again refuses, insisting that he wants to pay. Ultimately he ends up paying 400 shekels of silver. We might imagine the scenario in today’s terms: A person wants to buy an apartment, but he is told, “We can’t sell you just one apartment; you have to take the whole building.” The cave can’t be sold; Efron is only willing to sell the whole field, including the cave. Why will Efron only sell the whole field?

OU Torah Rabbeinu Bachaye on Parsha Parshas Chayei sarah By Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman

Click here.


It is very difficult to sum up the experiences, worth and influence of an individual purely in words. That is why many times at funerals people who hear eulogies of the deceased feel that somehow the words of the tribute really did not capture the essence of the individual being memorialized. In the Torah reading this week, Abraham is said to have eulogized his beloved wife Sarah. The Torah does not describe for us the words that he used in speaking about her. However, Rashi, in commenting as to why the Torah listed her life as consisting of 100 and then 20 and then seven years, states that all of her lives – the one that was 100, the one that was 20 and the one that was 7 – were devoted to goodness.

RABBI WEIN ON Auto Emancipation

n the late part of the nineteenth century, Dr. Leo Pinsker, one of the leading lights of the Lovers of Zion movement, wrote a book called Autoemancipation. The theme of the book was that the Jewish people should no longer wait for others to come to their aid and free them from the bondage of the long exile that they were still enduring, but rather that the Jews, by their own volition and actions, should return to national independence in their ancient homeland.

OU TORAH Chayei Sarah 5780 By Rabbi Shalom Rosner

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OU TORAH Chayei Sarah By Rav Moshe Twersky, HY"D

שם I once called Rebbi to ask him the following question: Why does the Torah spend so much time on the story of Eliezer’s lengthy conversation; would’t we have seen a higher level of moral instruction from a story of the conversations of the Avos themselves? Rebbi answered me, “The Avos kept quiet; they didn’t have any light conversation.” (From Reb Y. Schwob)

YU TORAH Chayei Sara 5780 By Rabbi Moshe Soloveichik

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YU TORAH Toronto Torah: Chayei Sarah 5780

Toronto Torah for Parshat Chayei Sarah 5780 includes articles on the parshah, Shemuel I, road-closing protests in Israel, Rabbi Menachem Kasher and more.

OU TORAH Rabbi Weinreb’s Torah Column, Parshas Chayei Sarah To Eulogize and To Weep

Kindergarten children are delightfully oblivious to the distinction between what adults call reality and the imaginary world. For these young children, there is no difference between the people in their actual lives and the people they learn about in the stories they hear. For most adults, the heroes of the Bible stories are historical figures, and although they exist in our imagination, we know that they are long gone. These heroes and heroines, however, are as real to kindergartners as their parents and siblings are.

OU TORAH To Have a Why By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

The name of our parsha seems to embody a paradox. It is called Chayei Sarah, “the life of Sarah,” but it begins with the death of Sarah. What is more, towards the end, it records the death of Abraham. Why is a parsha about death called “life”? The answer, it seems to me, is that – not always, but often – death and how we face it is a commentary on life and how we live it.Click here for Family Edition.

RAV KOOK ON Chayei Sarah Part 2:Guarding the Inner Child

The Torah counts the years of Sarah’s long life: “A hundred years and twenty years and seven years; these were the years of Sarah’s life” (Gen. 23:1). Noting the verse’s wordiness, the Sages commented that throughout all the years of her life — whether at age seven, twenty, or a hundred — Sarah retained the same goodness, the same purity, and the same youthful innocence.

RAV KOOK ON Chayei Sarah Part 1: Princess of Her People and the Entire World

Universal Message God changed both Abraham and Sarah’s names: Abram to Abraham, and Sarai to Sarah. What is the significance of this name change? The Talmud in Berachot 13a explains that both changes share a common theme. The name Abram means “father of Aram.” At first, Abraham was only a leader of the nation of Aram, but in end, he became a spiritual leader for the entire world. Thus, he became Avraham — “Av hamon goyim,” the father of many nations. The name Sarai means “my princess.” In the beginning, she was only a princess for her own people. In the end, though, she became Sarah — “the princess” — the princess of the entire world.

PARSHAS VAYEIRA 5780 General Accounting: Holding Puppet Masters of Terror Accountable By Bais HaVaad Halacha Center

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OU TORAH YU TORAH and NAALEH.COM Dogma or Desire? By Shira Smiles

Adapted by Channie Koplowitz Stein Parshat Vayera contains a very disturbing scene that illustrates the social character of the city of Sodom, the place Lot settled in after he separated from his uncle Avraham. Two men/angels enter the city. Lot, along with other important people, is sitting at the gate. Lot, having been raised in Avraham’s home, steps forward and invites the men to his home. Indeed, Lot insists they spend the night in his home rather than out in the square overnight. Shortly after the strangers enter Lot’s house, all the townspeople, young and old, surround the house and demand that Lot send out the men so that the townspeople can do with them as they wish. Lot refuses. Instead, he goes out his door, closing it behind him, saying, “I beg you, do not act wickedly,” offering to appease them by giving them his virgin daughters for their pleasure instead, “in as much as [these men] have come under the shelter of my roof.” The angels/strangers then open the door, quickly grab Lot back inside, and strike all those at the door’s entrance with blindness. Even so, the Sodomites continued vainly to find the door, and ultimately Hashem destroyed the entire city with fire and brimstone.

VBM Certainty and Doubt Regarding the Akeida By Harav Yaakov Medan

Translated by David Strauss I. The Poignant Questions Who among us can evaluate the depth of the faith of the father of believers, Avraham Avinu? Based on our human judgment, Avraham should have experienced great confusion when he heard God's command to offer his son for a burnt-offering. First of all, God's command seems to contradict that which God Himself had promised Avraham when he sent Yishmael away: "For in Yitzchak shall seed be called to you" (Bereishit 21:12). Second, God's command appears to contradict the prohibition of bloodshed that is binding upon all of the descendants of Noach, as well as the severe prohibition of human sacrifices. Third, the command contradicts "the way of the Lord to do righteousness and justice" (Bereishit 18:19), for what righteousness and justice is there in the slaughter of Yitzchak, who did nothing wrong?

VBM Who is Worthy of Being Chosen? By Rav Yoel Bin-Nun

The idea of selection, ever since Avraham, is connected to the idea of commandment (and the Torah) and keeping the way of God: "For I have known [= selected] him, to the end that he may command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice" (Bereishit 18:19). But the commander here is not God, but Avraham.[1] Thus, the first source of authority in Israel is autonomous, and not heteronomous. This stands in sharp contrast to the prophecy of Moshe, where the commander is God: "And the Lord spoke to Moshe, saying." No such expression is used in connection with the patriarchs. God selected the patriarchs, and they command.

YU TORAH Rav Amital and the Technicolor Akeidah By Rabbi Moshe Taragin

Click here.


The Mishnah in Avot specifically, and Jewish tradition generally, instructs us that our father Abraham was constantly challenged with great tests in life and was able to survive and surmount all of them. There is an underlying difficulty to this narrative regarding the testing of Abraham. God after all is omniscient and knows well in advance what the reaction of Abraham will be to all the challenges that are placed before him. This being the case, then one can easily ask why bother presenting those challenges in the first place.


One of the most dreaded situations motorists are forced to face is that of complete gridlock. This usually occurs when there is very heavy traffic, with the inherent frustration involved in trying to move forward, when motorists find themselves in the middle of the road with traffic blocked on their left and right. This inevitably leads to loud honking from all sides and only further frustrates the already short tempered and nervous drivers involved.

OU Torah Rabbeinu Bachaye on Parsha Parshas Vayeira By Rabbi Yitzchok Gutterman

Click Here.

OU TORAH Vayera 5780 By Rabbi Shalom Rosner

Click here.

OU TORAH Rabbi Weinreb’s Torah Column, Parshas Vayera Hospitality Before Heaven

He was an old man, frail, tired, and bereaved. News of Hitler's advancing army preoccupied him, and he was overwhelmed, if not broken, by the requests for advice he was receiving from hundreds of troubled Jews. Indeed, he may have already sensed that he had only months to live.

YU TORAH Toronto Torah: Vayera 5780

Description Toronto Torah for Parshat Vayera 5780 includes articles on the parshah, candle lighting in Jerusalem, Shemuel's prophecy for Eli, the Ran on the Akeidah, and more.

OU TORAH Negative Capability By Britain's Former Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

I have written about the binding of Isaac many times in these studies, each time proposing an interpretation somewhat different from the ones given by the classic commentators. I do so for a simple reason.Click here for Family Edition.

RAV KOOK ON VaYeira Part 3: Hidden and Revealed Holiness

A Paradoxical Blessing After Abraham passed the test of the Akeidah, the Binding of Isaac, an angel informed him: “This is what God says: I have sworn by My Essence, since you performed this act and did not withhold your only son, I will bless you greatly and increase your descendants like the stars of the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will possess their enemies’ gate. And all the nations of the world will be blessed through your descendants.” (Gen. 22:16-18) This blessing appears to contradict itself. On the one hand, Abraham is promised that his descendants will be victorious over their enemies: “Your offspring will possess their enemies’ gate.” On the other hand, his descendants will be prized and cherished by other peoples: “All the nations of the world will be blessed through your descendants.” What will be the lot of Abraham’s descendants: hostility and strife from the nations, or love and respect? Also: why did God compare the Jewish people to both the stars and the sand?

RAV KOOK ON Vayeira Part 2: Abraham's Return from the Akeidah

The Akeidah, the Binding of Isaac, was over. Abraham had passed this extraordinary test. He descended from the heights of Mount Moriah — physically and spiritually. The Torah concludes the narrative with a description of Abraham’s return to the world: “Abraham returned to his young men; and they rose and went together to Beersheba. And Abraham lived in Beersheba.” (Gen. 22:19) Why does the Torah mention that Abraham rejoined the young men he had left behind with the donkey? And why the emphasis on his return to Beersheba and his settling there?

RAV KOOK ON VaYeira Part 1: The Salt of Sodom

The Torah vividly contrasts the kindness and hospitality of Abraham’s household with the cruelty and greed of the citizens of Sodom. When visitors arrived at Lot’s home, the entire city, young and old, surrounded the house with the intention of molesting his guests. Lot’s attempts to appease the rioters only aggravated their anger.

Aneinu Correction Please Daven for Rebbe in Israel

Correction - The situation is very serious but the Rebbe does not have a malignancy c"v. It is an arterio- venus fistula which is very dangerous and he’s in the neuro surgical ICU. Please daven that this be resolved safely and he have a refuah shlema.

FW: [Aneinu] Kislev is a time of miracles!

Sent from my Sprint Samsung Galaxy Note10+.

-------- Original message --------
From: myysbyy via chicago-aneinu <>
Date: 11/28/19 10:34 AM (GMT-06:00)
Subject: [chicago-aneinu] Kislev is a time of miracles!

From: Divrei Chizuk <>
Sent: Thu, Nov 28, 2019 6:12 am
Subject: Rosh Chodesh Kislev

Tomorrow, BE"H, we have very exciting news to share with Klal Yisrael.
Stay tuned.

Hashem is involved

Hashem is involved in every part of our life He leads and guides everyone and everything. The more we look for Him and find Him the happier we will be. 

If we want to see Hashem's involvement in our lives, then all we have to do is pay attention, say  thank You, have gratitude, as this will help us know that He is guiding us constantly, at every step of the way.

Say to Hashem
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"I need You''
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Lyeshua/Reuah Miriam Ester bas Tema l'iluy nishmas Reuven Ben Ezra, Rivka bas Yitzchak, Tzvi Menachem ben Shimayohu, and Chaya Leah Bas Naftoli Hertzka, who helped their family, friends, the klal, btzina and b'simcha. 
Divrei Chizuk, Hashem is here, Hashem is there, Hashem is truly everywhere, all, NY 1-613

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