Tuesday, November 1, 2011


(LEARN FOR A YEHOSHUA FOR SOUTHERN ISRAEL(E"Y)) S"A SIMAN 178 SIF 3 MISHNA BERURA SIF KATAN 39 The Ch.A. states that even if one holds a fruit in his hand and eats it while he walks, it is /nevertheless regarded as/ leaving the place /where he is eating/ if he goes away from the original place where he resolved to eat /and enters/ a different room, if he did not have in mind to /do/ this from the outset. /This is/ because every individual morsel is /considered as/ a different item /and therefore requires its own blessing if it is not eaten in the place where one made the blessing and started eating/; see there. MISHNA BERURA DIRSHU CHELEK 2 Q:IS THEIR A TIME LIMIT?WHEN YOU HAVE CANDY IN YOUR MOUTH AND YOUR MOVING IS THAT SHINUI MAKOM? A:RAV MOSHE SAYS IN IGROS MOSHE TO MCIEV YOU ANOTHER BRACHA FOR BEING MAFSIK IN THE MIDDLE OF EATINGIT HAS TO BE MORE THEN TOCH KIDA DIBUR BUT IF ITS LESS THAN THAT YOU DONT NEED ANOTHER BRACHA.BY CANDY RAV SHLOMO ZALMAN AURBACH AND RAV ELYASHIV SAY AS LONG AS THE CANDY IN YOUR MOUTH ITS NOT SHINUI MAKOM BUT THE CHAZONISH SAYS WHEN YOU GO OUTSIDE TAKE IT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH AND MAKE ANOTHER BRACHA ON IT.(FOR MORE SEE NOTE 25)

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