Friday, March 9, 2012

YWN PLEASE DAVEN Southern Israel Under Fire; At Least 8 Hurt After Dozens Of Rockets Slam Into Israel

Four people were wounded after a rocket exploded in southern Israel’s Eshkol region Friday night. One victim was said to be in serious condition; a second man suffered moderate wounds and two other men were lightly wounded. Overall, at least eight people were wounded in rocket-related injuries, Magen David Adom emergency services spokesman said: Three people sustained rocket shrapnel wounds, three others were hurt while running for cover, and two others were involved in a car accident as result of the panic. Advertise On YWN » Earlier, the Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepted at least two Grad rockets fired at the southern communities of Ashdod and Gan Yavne, as Gaza terrorists continued to pound Israel’s shouth Friday night. Throughout in the evening, Palestinians fired at least 40 rockets and mortar shells at Israel’s south. The Air Force targeted several rocket cells in Gaza during the evening, killing at least three Islamic Jihad terrorists. An IDF security assessment prompted the Home Front Command to bar mass gatherings within a 40km radius of the Gaza border, as well as order more public bomb sheltered opened.

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