Sunday, July 3, 2016

[Aneinu] Terror Victim Update

Terror Victim Update Chava Rachel bat Ayelet, is in critical condition and is fighting for her life in surgery. Two of the couple's 10 children were also in the car and suffered wounds. Tehilla bat Chava Rachel, 15, is in moderate to serious condition. Pedaya ben Chava Rachel, 14, sustained light injuries. Tehilimyachad read opened for all three: The family was traveling to Beit Hagai from their home in Otniel when they attack took place, about 10 miles south of Hebron. The levaya for terror victim Miki (Michoel) Mark HY”D, who was murdered in a terrorist shooting attack near Otniel on erev Shabbos, will take place on Sunday, 27 Iyar. The hespedim will begin at 11:00 in Yishuv Otniel, his place of residence. From there, the levaya will proceed to Yerushalayim for kvura in Har Menuchos. (YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem) I rec'd the following information from "One Family": The victims of Thursday's Netanya attack are 4. Shmuel ben Sara, 40 and a father of two small children, 3 and 1, is in stable condition but will require hospital care for several days; and 5. Luba bat Sara, 62, who is in stable condition following heart surgery. Luba was preparing for her daughter's wedding that night when she was stabbed in the back and was unable to attend because of her injury. Yehoshua Chai ben Esther -- wounded in Kiryat Arba attack. Shachar ben Ayelet (IDF officer seriously wounded by bomb attack on Tuesday evening, May 10th) Matan ben Sara (soldier seriously wounded in ramming attack near Dolev) Eden bat Rachel (15 year old girl very seriously wounded in bus bomb attack in Jerusalem) May they all have a refuah shelaima -- a full and speedy recovery among all the sick and wounded of Israel. The names are spelled this way in Hebrew: חווה רחל בת אילת השחר פדיה מנחם בן חווה רחל תהילה ברכה בת חווה רחל

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