Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Fwd: The warmth, the emotion, and the pure joy of the 10th Siyum Hashas

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From: Agudath Israel of America <siyumhashas@agudathisrael.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 18, 2019, 12:12 PM
Subject: The warmth, the emotion, and the pure joy of the 10th Siyum Hashas
To: <agentemes4@gmail.com>

An Expression of Pure Joy
Dancing at the 10th Siyum HaShas: The Sights and Sounds of Worldwide Simcha and Achdus, Cycle After Cycle

It is not every day that you have tens of thousands of yidden - from Modern Orthodox to chassidim in their full levush, from the elderly to young children - holding hands and dancing with palpable simcha.

Some twenty-two years ago, as The Agudah celebrated the 10th Siyum HaShas of Daf Yomi, that was the incredible sight. In Madison Square Garden, Nassau Coliseum and scores of satellite locations worldwide, Klal Yisroel celebrated what was by far the largest scale Siyum HaShas ever.

The lively dancing that erupted after the Hadran was recited was seen on the dais as well. Rabbanim and Roshei Yeshiva of all backgrounds, including many of the preeminent Gedolei Hador, danced in unison – beaming with nachas at the historic milestone that Torah Jewry had reached after the devastation of the Holocaust.

Never before had a sight like this taken place in America, or perhaps anywhere else in the world.

Three cycles later, over 100,000 yidden worldwide will once again celebrate The Siyum of Daf Yomi under the banner of The Agudah, next year b'ezras Hashem: More mesaymim, more celebrants, and more locations, than ever before in history, bli ayin hora.

Become a mesayem today and join Klal Yisroel's greatest simcha!

Please visit thesiyum.org for information and updates regarding the upcoming Siyum HaShas, or text siyum to 313131. If you would like to join Chavrei HaSiyum or for general inquiries about the Siyum HaShas, email info@thesiyum.org
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